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Warmage | Base Class | 5E 2014

A tiefling warrior with weapons made of shimmering magenta energy on the cover of this PDF supplement.

Get all 12 subclasses in the Complete Warmage!


An elf recites the motions again for the simplest spell she knows, repeating them until she knows they are perfect. With a single, precise stroke, she unleashes a wave of arcane energy, focused into a searing blue beam.

A tiefling waves her hands to conjure floating greatswords of humming blue energy, which dance about in mesmerizing and deadly arcs. One blade takes on an aspect of fire, and the other lightning, as she begins to cleave through the goblinoid horde.

Waving a black-and-red checkered banner, a dragonborn king charges into the fore. At his sides are warmages of all houses, a chessboard of elite arcanists, poised to turn the tide of battle.

The undisputed masters of cantrips, warmages turn the most fundamental types of magic into a deadly and precise art.

Cantrip Masters

While other spellcasters aspire to grander and more complex spells, warmages refine and master the most fundamental magic: cantrips. Warmages wield their magic in the same way that a warrior uses a sword, bow, or axe: as weapons to be perfected and mastered, not as an unknowable force to be feared. In contrast to sorcerers and wizards, their magic is a trainable skill, one that can be mastered by almost anyone with discipline and aptitude. Therefore, warmages stand among the most fearsome of spellcasters, with only the most rudimentary of spells.

Strategic Geniuses

Warmages have a long and storied history as masterful strategists and tacticians, both in grand battles and personal skirmishes. If a warmage is outgunned or outmanned, they’ll try to outthink their foes, which works more often than not. They demonstrate an efficient kind of pragmatism, owing perhaps to their ability to solve many problems with just a few magical tools.

Aligned Free Agents

While some warmages are fully self-taught, the majority join a house: a loose confederation of warmages who practice together and share secrets of the trade. Houses teach invaluable battlefield strategy, but each individual house also touts their own brands of tactics and styles of magical tricks. The House of Knights, for example, emphasizes armor and martial prowess, whereas the House of Kings emphasizes battlefield strategy.

By way of metaphor, houses that value honor and teamwork above all else brand themselves after games of strategy, whereas those who epitomize self-reliance name themselves for games of chance. This division in the warmage houses is representative of a schism that dates back to the earliest warmage masters. Legend has it that the first two masters separated when one decided to found a college. The other, out of spite, built a casino outside its grounds.

Creating a Warmage

Warmages come from all walks of life, so as you build yours, consider where you first learned the fundamentals of magic, which you would go on to perfect. You might have picked up cantrips from a fellow adventurer or in the early stages of wizarding training. You could even be self-taught. Choose an Arcane Initiation which best fits your character’s history with magic.

Moreover, consider how you feel about magic as a whole. Are you envious of other spellcasters, or are you confident you could best them regardless? Did you once pine to be a wizard, but found you could never muster enough true magic to form a spell slot? Did you choose warmagistry to hone your talents to their absolute peak, or did you choose it to wield power no warrior can equal?

Lastly, consider your prospective warmage House. Though you don’t choose one until reaching 3rd level, your aspirations might shape which house you favor the most. If you would like to dabble with greater arcane magic, the House of Bishops is the best fit. If the clashing of swords at the frontlines piques your interest, consider the House of Knights.

Quick Build
You can make a Warmage quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Make Strength your third highest if you plan to take the House of Knights. Then choose the chill touch, force dart, force weapon, and phantom grapnel cantrips, and the Adventurer Arcane Initiation. Pick any background that emphasizes your magical discipline.

The Warmage
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known Cantrip Bonus Dice Tricks Known
1st +2 Spellcasting, Arcane Initiation, Arcane Fighting Style 4 0
2nd +2 Warmage Edge, Warmage Tricks 4 0 2
3rd +2 Warmage House 5 0 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 5 0 3
5th +3 Arcane Surge 6 1 4
6th +3 Tactical Insight 6 1 4
7th +3 Warmage House feature 6 1 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 1 5
9th +4 7 1 6
10th +4 Warmage House feature 7 1 6
11th +4 Arcane Surge improvement 7 2 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 7 2 7
13th +5 8 2 8
14th +5 Strategic Deflection 8 2 8
15th +5 Warmage House feature 8 2 9
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8 2 9
17th +6 9 3 10
18th +6 Warmage House feature 9 3 10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 9 3 10
20th +6 Master Warmage 10 3 10

Class Features

As a warmage, you have the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per warmage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per warmage level after 1st
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: One artisan’s kit of your choice, one gaming set of your choice
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Arcana, Athletics, History, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, and Survival
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
  • Leather armor, a dagger, and any simple weapon
  • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a scholar’s pack
  • A gaming set


At 1st level, you begin to learn the simple, yet potent, brand of spellcasting for which warmages are known.

You know four cantrips of your choice from the warmage spell list. You learn additional warmage cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Warmage table.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warmage cantrips you know and replace it with another warmage cantrip.

Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your warmage spells, since you learn your spells through practice and mental discipline. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warmage spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Spellcasting Focus
You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your warmage spells.

Arcane Initiation

Warmages come from all backgrounds and walks of life. At 1st level, choose where you first learned the basics of magic. The cantrips offered by your initiation don’t count against your total number of warmage cantrips known.

You picked up your magic informally by traveling with a dozen different mages over the years. You learn the mage hand and ray of frost cantrips.

Circus Performer
You learned a few simple tricks to participate in a sideshow or circus act. You learn the dancing lights and minor illusion cantrips.

Eldritch Event
An influx of insidious magic left an imprint on you. You learn the chill touch and message cantrips.

You mastered the fundamentals of war magic to engage in battle with similarly armed arcanists. You learn the arc blade and true strike cantrips.

A monastery or temple educated you in the ways of gentle healing magic. You learn the sacred flame and spare the dying cantrips.

Tower Apprentice
You apprenticed under a spellcaster for some time, who taught you the fundamentals of arcana. You learn the prestidigitation and shocking grasp cantrips.

You taught yourself all the fundamentals of magic from a dusty old tome or abandoned scroll. You learn the fire bolt and light cantrips.

To survive in the wilderness, you taught yourself to cast simple spells. You learn the druidcraft and shillelagh cantrips.

Arcane Fighting Style

Warmages learn that magic is the purest of weapons, and can be wielded just as easily as any other. At 1st level, choose one of the following fighting styles:

The spell save DC for your warmage cantrips increases by 1.

When you have at least one hand free and a creature hits you with a spell attack or a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your Armor Class for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you.

While you are wearing light armor or are under the effects of the mage armor spell, you gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.

When making a ranged spell attack, you gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll. Additionally, you ignore half cover when casting a warmage cantrip.

When you hit with a cantrip that requires a melee attack and exceed the target’s AC by 5 or more or score a critical hit, you can add your proficiency bonus to the damage roll.

Warmage Edge

Starting at 2nd level, once on each of your turns when you deal damage with a warmage cantrip, you can improve one damage roll of the spell, adding your Intelligence modifier to the roll. Starting at 5th level, and as you gain levels in this class, you also add extra dice to the damage roll for your warmage cantrips, as shown in the Cantrip Bonus Dice column of the Warmage table. For example, when you are at 5th level, you can improve the damage of the fire bolt cantrip to deal fire damage equal to 3d10 + your Intelligence modifier on a hit.

Warmage Tricks

Beginning at 2nd level, you learn a Warmage Trick, a special technique that alters the way you fight, move, and cast your spells. You learn two tricks of your choice at 2nd level, and you learn additional tricks at higher levels, as shown in the Tricks Known column of the Warmage table.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the tricks you know and replace it with another trick for which you meet the prerequisites.

Warmage House

Upon reaching 3rd level, you choose a Warmage House, which teaches you a suite of magical techniques. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level, and again at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Arcane Surge

Starting at 5th level, you learn to, for a moment, tap into a vast reservoir of magical power and unleash it upon your foes. On your turn, when you deal damage with a warmage cantrip, you can deal twice the number of damage dice dealt by the spell. You can’t use this feature on a spell that has scored a critical hit.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Starting at 11th level, you can use this feature twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.

Tactical Insight

At 6th level, you learn how to use ambient magical power to defend yourself from your foes’ magical attacks. You can add your Intelligence modifier to saving throws you make against spells and other magical effects that deal damage.

Strategic Deflection

Starting at 14th level, as a reaction when a creature casts a spell that targets you or includes you in its area of effect and the spell forces you to make a saving throw to avoid damage, you can use your reaction to attempt to redirect some of the spell’s energy to a new target. If you succeed on your saving throw against the spell, choose another creature you can see within the spell’s range or up to 30 feet away from you, whichever is closer, to make a saving throw against the spell, using your spell save DC. The chosen creature can be the original spellcaster. On a failed save, the creature suffers the effects of the spell as if you had cast the spell and they had been the original target or been within the area of the spell.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Master Warmage

At 20th level, you reach the pinnacle of your warmage prowess. If you cast a cantrip that deals 4 dice of damage to a target, it instead deals 5 dice of damage (excluding your cantrip bonus dice). If you cast a cantrip that makes 4 attacks, it instead makes 5 attacks.

Warmage Tricks

The following tricks are presented in alphabetical order. If a warmage trick has prerequisites, you must meet them to choose it. You can choose the trick at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class.

Bishop’s Maneuver
Prerequisites: 10th level, House of Bishops
You can take the Disengage action as a bonus action, and when you do so, your walking speed increases by 10 feet until the end of your turn.

Blasting Cantrip
Once on each of your turns, when you deal force damage to a creature with a warmage cantrip, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line.

Blinding Light
Prerequisite: light cantrip
When you use the light cantrip to target an object you are holding, you can direct a flare at a creature you can see within 10 feet of you, which must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature is blinded until the start of your next turn. After a creature has failed a saving throw against this trick, it has advantage on all saving throws against it for the next 24 hours.

Prerequisites: 10th level, House of Rooks
As an action, you can choose a willing Small or Medium creature you can see within 120 feet of you. You both teleport, swapping places.

Once you use this trick, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Chivalrous Presence
Prerequisite: House of Knights
You gain proficiency in the Insight and Persuasion skills, and you have advantage on ability checks you make to interact with nobility. Additionally, other creatures can always discern when you’re telling the truth.

Cloak of Feathers
Prerequisite: House of Rooks
While you are wearing no armor and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Intelligence modifier.

Commander’s Steed
Prerequisites: House of Kings
You learn the find steed spell and can cast it at will without expending a spell slot. Your steed is more resilient than most; its hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to your warmage level.

Corrosive Cantrip
Once on each of your turns, when you deal acid damage to a creature with a warmage cantrip, you can cause the acid to erode the target’s defenses. The next time a creature makes an attack roll against the target before the start of your next turn, roll a d4 and subtract it from the target’s Armor Class for this attack.

Draining Cantrip
Whenever you deal necrotic or poison damage to a hostile creature with a warmage cantrip, you can siphon some of its life force. You gain temporary hit points equal to half your warmage level, which last for 1 minute.

Explosive Cantrip
Once on each of your turns, when you deal fire damage to a creature with a warmage cantrip, each creature within 5 feet of the target, except yourself and the target, must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take half the fire damage dealt to the target.

Extended Range
When you cast a warmage cantrip that has a range of 5 feet or greater, its range is doubled.

Field Medic
Prerequisite: House of Bishops
You learn the spare the dying cantrip, which doesn’t count against your number of cantrips known. Additionally, when you cast spare the dying on a creature that has 0 hit points, the target regains 1 hit point and gains temporary hit points equal to your warmage level, which last for 1 minute. Once a creature regains hit points from this trick, it can’t do so again until it finishes a long rest.

Flexible Range
Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose disadvantage on your ranged spell attack rolls. Additionally, when you cast a warmage cantrip that requires a melee spell attack, its range increases to 10 feet.

Icy Cantrip
Once on each of your turns, when you deal cold damage to a creature with a warmage cantrip, you can numb the target with a frigid blast. The first time the target makes an attack roll before the end of its next turn, it must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll.

Knight’s Aegis
Prerequisites: 10th level, House of Knights, force buckler cantrip
When you cast the force buckler cantrip, you can concentrate on it for up to 1 minute. The spell doesn’t end early if you are hit by an attack.

Lieutenant’s Demand
Prerequisites: 10th level, House of Kings
You can cast the spell command at will without expending a spell slot.

Mage Hand Knack
Prerequisite: mage hand cantrip
Your skill with the mage hand cantrip allows you to use it as an extension of yourself. When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can use one of the following effects with the hand:

Press. The hand pushes against a Large or smaller creature within 5 feet of it. Choose a direction away from that creature. Every foot of movement in that direction while the hand is pressing against it costs the creature 1 extra foot of movement. The hand continues to push against the target until the spell ends or you use your bonus action to use a different effect with the hand.

Punch. The hand strikes one creature or object within 5 feet of it. Make a melee spell attack for the hand using your spell attack bonus. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 force damage.

Seize. The hand grabs a Small or Smaller creature and attempts to grapple it. The creature must succeed on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (its choice) against your spell save DC or be grappled by the hand. The hand continues to grapple the target until the target uses an action to break the grapple on its turn, the spell ends, or you use your bonus action to use a different effect with the hand.

Mystical Armor
You can cast the mage armor spell on yourself at will, without using a spell slot or spell components.

Mystical Athlete
Prerequisite: quickstep or springheel cantrip
When you cast the quickstep cantrip, your speed increases by 20 feet instead of 10 feet. When you cast the springheel cantrip, your jumping distance increases by 20 feet instead of 10 feet. If you know both of these cantrips, you can cast both of them as part of the same bonus action.

Mystical Weaponmaster
Prerequisite: force weapon or magic daggers cantrip
Once on each of your turns when you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll with the force weapon or magic daggers cantrips, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Mystical Vision
You can cast the detect magic spell at will without expending a spell slot.

Phantom Hookshot
Prerequisite: phantom grapnel cantrip
You can cast the phantom grapnel cantrip as a bonus action. If you do so, its range is reduced to 15 feet. When you cast the spell as an action, creatures are pulled an extra 10 feet by the spell toward you.

Rapid Fortification
Prerequisite: mending cantrip
You can cast the mending cantrip as an action or a bonus action. If you cast it as an action, you can use one of the following effects:

  • You can restore a single nonmagical object, such as a door, cart, or window, to pristine condition if at least half of its parts are present. This object can be no larger than 10 cubic feet, or 1 cubic foot if it is exceptionally complex (such as a clock).
  • You can create simple fortifications, such as sealing a door shut, adding wooden planks to a window, or building a short stone wall (no larger than 10 cubic feet). You must have the materials present to use this ability.

Severe Cantrip
When a creature rolls a 1 on a saving throw against one of your warmage cantrips, it automatically fails the save and takes twice the number of damage dice dealt by the spell, as if you scored a critical hit. The additional damage only applies to the creature that rolled a 1.

Signature Focus
Prerequisite: 5th level
When you finish a long rest, you can place a unique sigil on a simple weapon, which becomes your signature focus until you use this trick again. This weapon becomes magical, and it can be used as a spellcasting focus for your warmage spells. Your signature focus is bonded to you, and gains a number of special abilities:

  • As a bonus action, you can call your signature focus to your hand, as long as you are on the same plane of existence as it.
  • You can add your Intelligence modifier, instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, to attack rolls using your signature focus.
  • Your signature focus gains a number of charges equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of 1). When you damage a creature with it or a cantrip cast through it, you can expend 1 charge to deal an extra 1d8 force damage to that creature. Your focus regains all expended charges when you finish a long rest.

Silent Cantrip
Once on each of your turns when you deal thunder damage to a hostile creature with a warmage cantrip, you can create a 15-foot-diameter sphere of magical silence (as per the silence spell), centered on yourself or the creature (your choice), which lasts until the start of your next turn.

Split Fire
Prerequisite: 5th level
When you cast a warmage cantrip that requires a single spell attack roll, you can select multiple creatures and make a spell attack roll against each. You can target a number of creatures equal to the number of damage dice the cantrip deals, and split your damage dice up amongst your targets, to a minimum of 1 die of damage per target. Each attack must target a different creature.

For example, fire bolt deals 3d10 damage. You can choose to target three creatures and deal 1d10 damage to each creature, or you can target two creatures, dealing 1d10 damage to one creature and 2d10 damage to the other creature, or you can target one creature for 3d10 damage.

Static Cantrip
Whenever you deal lightning damage to a hostile creature with a warmage cantrip, you can sap part of the energy into a charge, which clings to your body until the start of your next turn. While charged, you can use your reaction when you take damage from a creature you can see within 5 feet of you to deal lightning damage equal to half your warmage level to the creature.

Unerring Strike
Prerequisites: 10th level, true strike cantrip
When you cast the true strike cantrip, you can concentrate on it for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. You gain advantage on the first attack roll you make against the target on each of your turns while maintaining concentration on true strike.

Warmage Houses

Each warmage is defined by their chosen House, which teaches them valuable skills and offers a confederation of allies they will keep for their lives. Named for games of strategy and games of chance, each house emphasizes a unique approach to spellcasting and combat.

Warmage Houses
Name Description
House of Bishops Dabblers in true arcane magic, gaining spell slots to supplement their cantrips
House of Kings Leaders and Commanders, with a wide array of maneuvers at their disposal
House of Knights Frontline combatants, fortified with magical armor
House of Pawns Versatile cantrip masters
House of Rooks Arcane assassins and spies

Warmage Spell List

Unlike other spellcasters, warmages only learn cantrips, which they pick from the following list when they gain certain levels in their class. If a cantrip appears on the wizard spell list which is not represented here, the GM can allow this cantrip to be a warmage spell as well. Spells marked with an asterisk (*) are new to this class.


  • Mikhail says:

    I bought this Class a while ago and finally have a chance to play it, but I have a question.
    How does Warmage Edge affect cantrips such as Force Weapon which does multiple attacks at higher level?
    Do you add the Cantrip Bonus Dice to every hits damage roll?

    • Mike | Mage Hand Press says:

      Warmage Edge enhances one damage roll, so if you attack multiple times, pick one of those damage rolls to gain the Cantrip Bonus dice and Int damage.

  • Isaac Coolen says:

    Hi MageHandPress, I’ve been really enjoying the new Valda’s classes. In particular, Warmage is definitely one of my new favourite classes of all time, just from how many different things you can do with it. It feels like you took all the most fun parts of Warlock, and then cranked them to 11. There is one thing I noticed though which I was wondering if you could clarify, or perhaps even update.

    In the wording for Warmage Edge, it states that you can add your Int modifier to “one damage roll” of a cantrip, meaning that if you cast something like Force Weapon, you would only add your Int to the damage of one of the attacks. Or if you cast Green-Flame Blade from Tasha’s, your Int could apply to either the initial or secondary target damage, but not both.

    However, the second part of that same ability states that after 5th level, you also “add extra dice to the damage roll for your warmage cantrips”. Now, that is a little more ambigious as to whether it is meant to apply to only one damage roll, as with the previous part of the ability, or whether it’s meant to apply to the entire cantrip. For things like Force Weapon, that makes a huge difference. That said, in my games I’ve ruled that it does apply to all damage rolls of multi-attack cantrips since the only Warmage cantrips which benefit from it are Force Weapon and Magic Daggers, neither of which I would consider overpowered even with the extra damage. Still, I would very much appreciate it if you could confirm one way or the other which ruling is intended.

    A Warmage enthusiast.

    • Mike | Mage Hand Press says:

      It would appear I have an update to make! The feature in the most recent version of Valda’s states that you add Int “if you don’t already add it,” which changes the dynamics of the feature entirely. I believe this change was to prevent situations in which subclasses ended up adding 2*Int mod to damage rolls, which certainly looked like a broken system from the outside. I need to check which other features changed in response.

      The entire feature is designed to enhance just one damage roll caused by your cantrip, no matter how many damage rolls the cantrip might call for, so additional damage dice and the +Int to damage only applies to a single roll of your choice.

      • Keenan Langston says:

        Does the “if you don’t already add it” clause mean that Warmage Edge does not add damage to blade cantrips cast if you cast them through your Signature Focus? I’m confused on how these two are supposed to interact:
        “You can add your Intelligence modifier, instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, to attack and damage rolls using your signature focus.
        “once on each of your turns when you deal damage with a warmage cantrip, you can improve one damage roll of the spell, adding your Intelligence modifier to the roll if you don’t already add it”
        With this new clause, Signature Focus would actually lower your damage unless your strength is negative (which is unlikely for players focusing on weapon usage). For example, Arc Blade at level 5 with a mace would deal 1d8+str+2d8+int. But if the mace is my Signature Focus, then it would deal 1d8+int+2d8+0. Is it intended that the only benefit this trick gives for blade cantrips is for the attack roll, and not the damage roll? It seems counter-intuitive that a warmage trick all about weapons has negative synergy with the warmage cantrips that use weapons.

  • George Walsh says:

    Does warmage edge stack with other class features or sources that add ability damage to damage rolls, such as from dragon sorcerers elemental damage boost.

    • Mike | Mage Hand Press says:

      It wouldn’t. You might be able to stack other features that add your casting mod to damage, but this one explicitly states that you only add Int if you don’t already add it. That’s to prevent you from stacking shillelagh and other mechanics that use Int for attacks and damage.

  • Johnny Sullivan says:

    Hello there!

    Been reading through all your classes in case I decide to play one of them in a campaign soon and I gotta say that the warmage is seeming really interesting to me. I did have one question come up in my reading however. How do the extra damage dice from “warmage’s edge” interact with the “Magic Daggers” cantrip. the ability says it adds additional damage dice to the cantrips, so would that just add additional daggers here or would it make each individual dagger deal that much more damage?

  • Hunter says:

    Hi MHP!

    I’m excited to play a warmage in my next campaign, but I had a question about Arcane Surge. When it says that you “deal twice the number of damage dice dealt by the spell”, is that just the dice dealt by the spell itself, or is it inclusive of all additional damage triggered by the spell (the 1d6 from a Hex spell, the weapon damage or a Rogue’s Sneak Attack damage caused by a “Blade” cantrip, or the optional Force damage from the Signature Focus trick), similar to having scored a critical hit?

    • Mike | Mage Hand Press says:

      This is *just* the damage dealt by the spell. It won’t include Sneak Attack, bonus damage from magic items like a flame tongue, or the melee attack portion of a Blade cantrip. I don’t think I’d allow a doubling of the signature focus d8, but that may be more up to your DM.

  • Metal says:

    One question, one of yours reply said that don’t stack the int in source like shillelagh. so i can’t have the 1d8+int from the buff and the effect from Arc Blade in the second opponent with 1d6+int (the Arcane Edge bônus)? Or when be at Level 5 the damage from the base hit is 1d8+1d6+2xint (and then 2d6 on the second opponent)?

    • Mike | Mage Hand Press says:

      Your question threw me for a loop, since I think you’re looking at an old version of Arc Blade. In either case, you can’t stack your Int bonus twice on one target. If you’re using shillelagh (or Signature Focus) to add Int to a damage roll, you can’t add Int using Warmage Edge. If you use Arc Blade to roll two separate damage rolls, you can improve either one, so you can carefully add Int to each target.

  • striderpcc says:

    Hi, I have a question.
    I am in a campain and playing a warmage. English is not our 1st language so a bit of the lingo can be vewed wrongly.
    1.) Trick Rapid Fortification. “You can create a simple fortifications, such as sealing a door shut, adding wooden blanks to a window or building a short stone wall no largen than 10 cubic feet. You must ahve materials present to sue this ability. The question, the wall, 10 cubic the total volum of the wall where I can choose how the sizes changes? As long as the total mass never is more then 10 cubic feet? And do I have to touch the materials or can it be within 5 feet of me? The GM have the opinion that the “wall” is 10 cubic feet square, so 2,1 feet square.

    2.) Warmage Edge, spellcasting ability and inteligence modifier is the same? Warmage Edges says “adding your intelligece modifier to the roll if you don’t already added it” and with Warmage edge it says “You can add your spellcasting ability modifier to the damage you deal with any wizard cantrip (witch are proficiency + ability score).”, does this stack?

    3.) Blasting Cantrip, it says “Once on each of your turns, when you deal force damage to a creature with a warmage cantrip, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line”, but if I take the Mage Hand Knack trick my mage hand will do the force damage. The push, is it away from the mage hand (as it is the sorce of the damage) , or me as the caster even if the caster of the mage hand no matter the posision of the mage hand?


    • Mike | Mage Hand Press says:

      Great questions!

      1. 10-cubic feet is the total volume. As long as you’re picking an item that has a volume smaller than that (no matter the dimensions), the ability works. Mending has a range of Touch, so you need to be able to touch the materials.

      2. In Warmage Edge, you’re just adding your Intelligence modifier. If you have 18 Intelligence, this is a +4 to damage. Your spell attack modifier is different. You add your spell attack modifier (your Intelligence modifier + proficiency bonus) to attack rolls you make with warmage spells. The intent behind Warmage Edge is that you never add your Intelligence to a damage roll twice.

      3. The cantrip should be away from the source of the damage, in your example, away from the mage hand.

      • striderpcc says:

        Thank you for the feedback and clarifications 🙂 When English is not your first language it can be a challenge at times to understand the meaning of intent behind some sentences .
        Valdas is a fantastic expansion to DnD and Warmage is my favorite so far (well, the only class I have played so far) and I look forward to keep using Valdas.

  • striderpcc says:

    I also forgot to ask: Rapid Fortification: You can restore a single nonmagical object, such as a door, cart, or window, to pristine condition if at least half of its parts are present. This object can be no larger than 10 cubic feet, or 1 cubic foot if it is exceptionally complex (such as a clock).
    We are talking about mass here not foot square? So 10 cubic foot is variable size not fixed 2.1 foot square? Same with comblex items, 1 cubic foot volum variable side size and not a fixed size?

    • Mike | Mage Hand Press says:

      I think you’re getting tripped up with “cubic” and “square” feet. A square foot is a square on the ground, whereas this feature refers to volume — the total 3D space the object occupies.

  • Zanareth says:

    I have a question on Warmage regarding the Signature weapon working with Warmage Edge with Blade cantrips.

    Lets says I have a STR of 16 (+3) and an INT of 18(+4), Level 5 with a longsword [L.S(1d8)] proficiency 3.

    If I used strength wielding the Signature focused Longsword, instead of my Intelligence but also used Burning Blade. Do I add STR and INT to the damage roll?
    [L.S]1d8+1d8(extra dice)+3(STR)+3(PROF)+2d6(B.B)+4(INT)
    for an average of 26 dmg on a hit. If I used STR for the attack and damage roll of the weapon but since I also used a cantrip I can add the INT from edge and extra dice? This doesn’t double up on a Stat this way and reminds me of things like monks who add an extra stat to their AC.

    Unless the entire attack counts as a Melee spell attack even though the description of the spell itself does not say make a Melee Spell attack. (look at inflict wounds which does). Cause then it always just uses casting modifier.

    Warmage edge says :once on each of your turns when you deal damage with a warmage cantrip, you can improve one damage roll of the spell, adding your Intelligence modifier to the roll if you don’t already add it.

    Signature Weapon says: You can add your Intelligence modifier, instead of your Strength or Dexterity modifier, to attack and damage rolls using your signature focus.

    Burning Blade Cantrips says: When a warmage uses a cantrip which calls for a melee weapon attack, such as burning blade or frigid blade, they can apply their class features and warmage tricks to the weapon damage dealt. On a hit, the target suffers the weapon attack’s normal effects, except that any damage dealt by the attack is fire damage instead of its normal type.

  • Alfie says:

    Hi, I have a question regarding arcane surge.
    Does Arcane Surge work for all attack rolls on cantrips such as force weapon? i.e. would every damage die for each attack be doubled or only for one? This can become a little confusing since warmage edge provides an extra d10 to one roll, then house of the knights – flurry of blades adds an extra attack doing an additional d10, then arcane surge doubling all the damage die would make that 4d10+ 2d10 +2d10 +5 for a total of 8d10 +5 damage from as early as level 5. Thats an average of 49 damage in one turn which beats even the highest damaging class in standard 5e at level 5. Alternatively if Arcane surge only applied to one attack that would bring the average down to a total of 6d10 +5 bringing it to a respectable 38 average. Obviously the limiting factor on this feature is that you can only use it once on a long rest but thats still some quite big damage for this level. The other factor is that this scales extremely well at 11th level this damage upgrades with an extra attack and extra damage die AND AN EXTRA ARCANE SURGE. This means we can do 6d10+2d10+2d10+2d10+5 damage TWICE for an average of 71 damage. Given some of the other quite strong features that warmage has I can understand if arcane surge was limited to only one attack but I hope this outlines why I am asking about this.
    Many thanks,

  • striderpcc says:

    Question about rapid fortification.
    Can you help clear out somoething? It says cast time action or a bonus action. Does the effect of the mending cantrip finish within the the round that it is cast or do the caster have to keep cast the cantrip for 10 rounds as the normal mending requires? The GM thinks that the reason action/bonus action is there is because it then have a casting rule in combat where one can start casting during the action or bonus action phase but still needs 10 rounds to be finish the cast.


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