Comments from the Finger: Finding a class to assign the Master Thrower was arguably more difficult than writing it. What to you do with Hawkeye, if you take away his bow and arrows and give him only darts, handaxes, throwing daggers, and shurikens? It can be argued, he’s more of a lightly armored fighter, because of the reliance on ranged attack types, or that he’s a rogue, because of the emphasis on swift combat mobility and making precision-based sneak attacks. Ultimately, I want with ranger because Rangers need a broader pool of PrCs, and I have oodles of fun in store for rogue and fighter characters in future posts.
Master Thrower
Master throwers, as is often joked, rely on a fighting style that clearly involves disarming themselves. In truth, someone who can bury a dagger or a handaxe in your skull from across the room is never a force to be underestimated. True Master Throwers depend on quick reflexes, good planning, and, of course, deadly aim to survive in a world that values brute force over clever tactics.
Additional Fighting Style
Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain the Archery fighting style, or the Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style.
At 3rd level, your uncanny aim grants you the following features.
- Thrown weapons you use have double the normal range.
- You can draw or stow any number of thrown weapons when you would normally be able to draw or store only one.
- You can use two-weapon fighting with thrown weapons, even when the one-handed weapons you are wielding aren’t light.
At 11th level, when you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can throw two one-handed weapons, rather than one, as a bonus action.
Defensive Throw
By 7th level, you have learned to throw weapons to interrupt an enemy’s attack. As a reaction when an attacker you can see makes an attack against you, you can make a ranged attack roll with one of your thrown weapons. If the result of your roll is greater than the result of your opponent’s, you can reduce the total of the attack roll by 5, to a minimum of 1.
Weak Spot
At 11th level, attacks you make with thrown weapons score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Throw Anything
By 15th level, your mastery of thrown weapons has grown extensive. You can treat any weapon that isn’t heavy as a thrown weapon with a range of 20/60 feet.
Changelog: 12/7/15: Deadeye: Extra attacks can be made with any type of thrown weapon, not just finesse ones. Thrown weapons count as ranged weapons. Archery fighting style gives +2 to thrown weapons.
12/x/15: Deadeye extra attacks changed: Only hold thrown weapons. Your primary attack need not be with a finesse weapon, but the extra attacks must be. You only get 1 extra attack at 3rd level, and the second extra attack comes online at 7th level. This keeps the balance in check better with Sharpshooter+Hunter’s Mark optimization.
8/19/16: Overhaul!
Additional Fighting Style: added
Deadeye: Reworked to better balance with TWF rules. Second throw moved to 11th level.
Throw Anything: Any weapon that isn’t heavy: Range 20/60
Weak Spot: Reworded