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Barbarian Subclass

Comments from the Finger: So you wanna be the biggest, baddest barbarian there is? Say no more! The 3.5 prestige class War Hulk has got you covered. Thankfully, this class was dead simple: you get strong, you get dumb, you hit things. I love it!

Path of the Colossus

The Colossus, known to most as a War Hulk, is a creature of the front-lines, swinging massive weapons and sweeping away smaller combatants in their fury. To a War Hulk, strength is the only attribute that matters: Cunning is for the weak. Faith is for the weak. Speed is for the weak. Victory and conquest is for the strong alone. This Path is a favorite of Goliaths and Giants, who step easily into crushing smaller opponents.

No Time to Think

When you select this path at 3rd level, strength comes above all else. At 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level, your Strength score increases by 1. Your maximum for this score is 24. At 20th level, you Strength score and its maximum becomes 28. However, your great physical might comes at the expense of mental fortitude. As such you suffer disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.

Great Swing

At 6th level, you may attack up to three creatures which are adjacent to each other and adjacent to you when you make an attack action on your turn. Make a single attack roll, and compare that roll against each creature’s armor class. If you choose to Great Swing, you may not use Extra Attack for this attack action.

Rock Throwing

At 10th level, you can hurl large boulders at your foes as an action. This attack roll targets one creature, uses your Strength modifier, instead of Dexterity, and deals 2d8 + your Strength Modifier damage, with a range of 30/60 feet. This rock must be around 30 pounds.

Massive Swing

By 14th level, you may attack as many creatures as are adjacent to you with a single attack action. Make a single attack roll, and compare that roll against each creature’s armor class. You may only use Extra Attack against one of these targets.


While the Path of the War Hulk can be taken by members of any race, the DM should limit access to this path to races of appropriate size. Gnomes and halflings, for example, are poorly suited to throwing boulders, but Goliaths and Minotaurs are well suited to the task.

7/13/15: No Time to Think now increases Strength by 1, to a max of 24, and increases to 28 at 20th level.
7/18/16: Revised in War Hulk (Redux)

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