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Aberrant Bloodline | 5E 2014

Sorcerer Subclass

Comments from the Finger: Something, something, something, madgods. Something, something, something, Lovecraft. The Update is here.

Some people don’t seek out the maddness of the Far Realms, they’re grandfathered in. Like the denizens of Lovecraft’s own Innsmouth, some people carry evidence of the universe’s unknowable secrets inside their very genes. It’s inescapable. Whatever mad deformities warp their bodies also warp the weave of magic, and sometimes warp their minds.

Aberrant Bloodline

You are descendant from a foul creature, and its blood wreaks havoc in your family tree. Those in your House are rarely and seemingly at random born hideous, and with terrifying powers, and as such, generation after generation has committed infanticide on the abominations. You are one such monster, cursed at birth yet spared the knife by your mother, free to live out your miserable span of existence a freak divorced from society. Yet your power grows, as fearsome as your aspect and as dreadful as your glare.

Aberration Blood

Beginning when you select this origin at 1st level, your skin is thicker, scalier, or furrier than normal. When you aren’t wearing armor, your armor class equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.

Finally, you gain darkvision, the ability to see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. If you already have darkvision, your range increases by 30 feet.

Hideous Appearance

At 1st level, your appearance is hideous to behold. You may add double your proficiency bonus to Intimidation checks, but you have disadvantage on Persuasion checks. Unless you wear a large cloak to conceal these deformities, you are disturbing to behold.

Inhuman Reach

At 6th level, your arms elongate, allowing you to touch the floor with your hands. In addition, you can bend them in strange and unnatural ways. Your reach increases by 5 feet. Your elongated arms also gives you advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb.


At 6th level, you can grow long, whipping tendrils that sprout grotesquely from your form as a bonus action expending 2 sorcery points which last for 1 round. When a creature comes within 5 feet of you or begins its turn there, it takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage. You can maintain this effect by expending 2 sorcery points at the beginning of your turn.

Warped Mind

At 14th level, your tainted form has altered the nature of your brain, making you resistant to psychic attacks, and more capable of inflicting them upon others. You gain resistance to psychic damage and have advantage on save against being charmed.

Additionally, you can emit a mind blast in a 60-foot cone as an action. Choose a number of sorcery points to expend, to a maximum of 6. Each creature in the cone must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take psychic damage equal to 1d8 for each sorcery point expended plus your Intelligence modifier.

Monstrous Transformation

At 18th level, as a bonus action expending 3 sorcery points, you can unleash your monstrous heritage from within your body and transform into a terrible creature. Until you use your bonus action to end this effect, you have resistance to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage, but can’t cast spells of 1st level or higher. Each round you begin in this form, you expend 3 additional sorcery points.

In addition, creatures who look upon this form become frozen in horror. Each creature that can see you within 30 feet, except for allies which know to avert their gaze, must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is paralyzed while you are transformed. At the end of each of its turns, affected creatures can repeat this saving throw. A creature that succeeds this save is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Once you use this ability, you must finish a long rest before using it again.

Changelog: 6/14/15: Added tentacles at 6th level and mind blast effect to warped mind.
6/19/15: Armor class no longer has a static increase, and instead is 13 + Dex. Scrapped indiscernible anatomy
8/2/15: Hideous Appearance separated from Aberration Blood. Hideous Appearance grants double proficiency rather than advantage on intimidation.
11/30/16: Tentacles: Reworded to activate when a creature begins its turn adjacent to you or enters that area
Monstrous Transformation: No longer requires concentration, blocks all physical damage

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