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Any sufficiently pervasive magic is indistinguishable from science.

While the more traditional fantasy settings postulate that a world suffused will stagnate its technological development around the Middle Ages, the more ambitious propose that’s not quite true. This is where Eberron comes in. Always a favorite D&D setting, Eberron develops a world of living machines, advanced airships, lightning trains, and artificers. In such a setting, and those with even more advanced technology, we need to update our classes so as not to seem archaic. The following update does it’s best to you give a solid foothold in converting your steampunk, cyberpunk, and magitech classes into the new edition.

Next, we plan on moving into the world of our favorite horror writer with the obligatory Lovecraft Update, because who says that only warlocks of the Great Old One get to have any fun? Stay tuned for that.

Also, we take pride in our willingness to edit our classes when we can improve them. As such, take a look back at Class Pack 1 and see if we’ve updated it since your last download.

Finally, if you have any class suggestions, questions for the DM and the Orc (seriously, we need more of these), or if you have any questions about the rules of our classes, leave them in a comment on any post, or email

Art credits:
Wizards of the Coast
The Avengers – Iron Man by theDURRRRIAN
Spartan by AxelMedellin

The Middle Finger of Vecna sparks with evocation magic, crackling with hideous eldritch energy as if to describe how much it hates you.

Changelog; Magitech Hero – Armored Sentience, Propulsion, and Explosive Energy now limit your movement as well as your actions for 1d4 rounds.
6/8/2015: The Machine – Eldritch Fist restricted to once per turn, wording changed slightly for clarity.
6/10/2014: Magitech Hero – Powerfist clarified to deal bludgeoning damage, Armored Sentience, Propulsion, and Explosive Energy edited again to specify incapacitated.
6/10/15: Battlefist clarified to deal bludgeoning damage
6/19/15: Eldritch fist limited to Charisma mod per long rest
7/28/15: Eldritch Fist rewritten entirely.



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