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Way of Abundant Spirit | 5E 2014

Monk Subclass

Comments from the Finger: What if you could play as Goku? Why not?

Way of Abundant Spirit

Monks who practice the Way of Abundant Spirit discipline themselves in manipulating ki in its purest form. Often prodigies of martial arts and mystic studies, these Monks can learn these techniques after months or years of studying under a master of them. Those who can find no such master are known to become reclusive in their studies in search of a grand revelation that can open the doors of the soul to them. After the completion of their training or the discovery of a revelation, their ki becomes as an extension of their own body, and they can disrupt and manipulate the ki of those around them.

Ki Surge

Beginning when you select this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you can draw from a deep well if ki from within yourself. When you have no ki points remaining, you can use your action to regain one expended ki point.

Ki Wave

At 3rd level, you can channel your ki into a blast of energy. As an action, you can expend a number of ki points, up to half your monk level, to make an attack roll with a modifier equal to your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus at a range of 120 feet . On a hit, the target takes force damage equal to 1d8 for each point expended + your Wisdom modifier.

Spirit Aegis

At 6th level, you can raise a barrier of energy to protect yourself and your allies. As a bonus action, you and creatures you choose within a 5 feet radius of you regain hit points equal to your monk level. Additionally, you and all creatures within this radius also have resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the beginning of your next turn while they remain in this radius. After using this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before using it again.

Concussive Blow

By 11th level, as an action on your turn, you can expend a number of ki points to enhance the power of your strikes. For every 3 points expended, you gain a +1 bonus to damage on unarmed attacks until you complete a short or long rest, up to a maximum of your Wisdom modifier. Points expended in this way cannot be regained until you complete a short or long rest.

Soul Bomb

Beginning at 17th level, you can collect energy from the ambient ki of the world to unleash a single mighty attack. You may gather energy for up to 3 rounds, holding it what appears to be an orb of concentrated energy. During this time, you may take no actions or bonus actions and may only move at half speed. When you choose to unleash this energy, choose a location within 120 feet. Each creature within a 20 foot radius of this spot must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 8d6 force damage for each round spent gathering energy, or half as much on a successful save. After using this ability, you must complete a long rest before using it again.

Changelog: 8/18/15: Ki Wave has an attack roll modifier of Wisdom + proficiency modifier.
8/19/15: Steal Ki now only activates from melee attacks, clarifies that it only restores ki points spent up to your ki maximum, and does not give a minimim of 1.
9/1/15: Steal Ki clarified to only work against hostile creatures.
5/7/16: Concussive Blow: Typo
Steal Ki: Damage/10
9/18/16: Steal Ki: Replaced with Ki Surge

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