Comment from the Finger: A note to our regular readers and cautious Dungeon Masters: while our normal content fluctuates in power somewhat, I think it’s safe to say that this is on the more powerful end of the spectrum.
While others may devote themselves to strengthening their body to inhuman levels, leading a thousand men in mass combat, or in the subtle and deliberate arts of magic, the kensai has chosen to devote himself to perfecting his technique, and the will that guides it. By harnessing the mystical power of Ki, he turns himself into a perfectly guided sword-point of death.
Signature Weapon
Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you select a weapon into which you pour your time, your focus, your heart and very soul. You may select a single one-handed or versatile melee weapon, or two light melee weapons; this becomes your signature weapon, and it grows in power as you grow in power.
You cannot declare a new signature weapon so long as you have your current one. You may transfer magical power from a weapon you find into your signature weapon; doing so requires an 8 hour ritual and 100 gp worth of components and ritual gear. At the completion of the ritual, the weapon loses whatever magical property it had, and your weapon gains that same property. Should you perform this ritual on a signature weapon that is already enchanted, it loses that current enchantment and gains the new one.
If you lose your signature weapon, you may replace it by performing a ritual costing of a day’s worth of meditation and contemplation over a new weapon.
At 3rd level, your study and devotion to the blade has given you a mastery over combat that few could hope to achieve. When fighting with your signature weapon, you gain the following benefits:
- You may use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your signature weapon.
- When wielding your signature weapon, wearing no armor, and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
Martial Discipline
When you take this archetype at 3rd level, you learn a number of maneuvers fueled by your Ki. Your Fighter level determines the number of Ki points you have. You regain all expended Ki points when you finish a short or long rest.
Fighter level | Ki Points |
3rd | 2 |
5th | 3 |
7th | 4 |
9th | 5 |
11th | 6 |
13th | 7 |
15th | 8 |
17th | 9 |
19th | 10 |
You learn three maneuvers to at 3rd level, and 2 more at 7th, 10th and 15th level. Each time you learn new maneuvers, you can also replace one maneuver you know with a different one.
Saving Throws. Some of your maneuvers require your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier (your choice)
At 7th level, your mastery over your ki grows and expands. Not simply useful on the battlefield, you learn to use your Ki at all times, allowing it to direct you as much as you direct it. You can spend ki points to produce the following effects:
- You may spend 2 ki points to cast the spell enhance ability without a spell slot or spell components.
- You may spend a ki point to gain proficiency in either Persuasion or Intimidation until you take a short rest.
At 10th level, you have honed your mastery over your sword. You may select an additional fighting style from the following options:
- Dueling
- Great Weapon Fighting
- Hand-and-a-half
- Two-weapon fighting
Improved Ki
At 15th level, you’ve learned to harness your ki more efficiently. Before you roll initiative for combat, if you have no ki points in your pool, you instantly regain 3 ki points.
At 18th level, you become an almost unparalleled master of combat, learning to submit to your Ki and let it guide your actions. As a bonus action, you may spend 5 ki to flood your body with energy, granting you a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier on all attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks for 1 minute. Once you use this ability, you must take a long rest before you can do so again.
Avalanche of Blades
Immediately after you take the attack action on your turn, you may spend 1 Ki point to make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.
Emerald Razor
When making a melee weapon attack, you may spend 1 ki point to add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll. You may do this after the attack is rolled.
Exorcism of Steel
As an action, you can spend 1 ki point to to make an attack against a single creature. On a hit, the target makes a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, it has disadvantage on all attack rolls for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Iron Shout
As a bonus action, you may spend 1 ki point to cast the spell compelled duel on one target that can hear you within 30 feet without a spell slot or spell components.
Moment of Alclarity
At the beginning of combat, you may spend 1 ki point to add your Wisdom modifier to your Initiative roll.
Quicksilver Motion
By spending 1 ki point, you may take the dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your movement speed is doubled for that turn.
Steel Wind
By spending 1 ki point, you can the Disengage action as a bonus action on your turn, and your Jump distance for the turn is tripled.
Wall of Blades
By spending 1 Ki point, you may use your reaction to add your Proficiency bonus to your Armor Class until the start of your next turn. You must be wielding your signature weapon in order to maintain this bonus to your Armor Class.
Iron Heart Endurance
Prerequisite: 7th level
As a bonus action, you may spend 2 ki points to regain HP equal to 1d8 + your fighter level.
Iron Heart Focus
Prerequisite: 7th level
As a reaction, you may spend 2 ki points to reroll a failed saving throw. You must take the new roll.
Iron Heart Surge
Prerequisite: 7th level
As an action, you may spend 2 ki points to immediately end an ongoing negative status or effect currently affecting you. You may use this end the effects of any ongoing spell (only on yourself) or the Stunned, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Charmed, Petrified or Poisoned conditions. You can use this action even if the condition you are ending prevents you from taking actions.
Lightning Recovery
Prerequisite: 7th level
As a reaction, you may spend 2 ki points to reroll a failed attack roll.
Manticore Parry
Prerequisite: 7th level
As a reaction when you are hit by a melee or ranged weapon attack, you may spend 3 ki points to reflect or re-direct the attack. The attacker rolls damage as normal; instead of dealing damage to you, the attacker deals damage to either himself or a target within 5 feet of him (your choice.)
Mind over Body
Prerequisite: 7th level
As a reaction when you make a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution Saving throw, before the roll is made, you may spend 2 ki points to instead make a Wisdom saving throw instead. You must take the result.
Rapid Counter
Prerequisite: 7th level
As a reaction when you are missed by a creature’s melee attack, you may spend 1 ki point to make a single melee weapon attack against that creature.
Bounding Assault
Prerequisite: 10th level
As an action, you may spend 2 ki points move up to double your movement speed; you do not provoke Opportunity Attacks from this movement, and you are not hindered by rough terrain. At the end of this movement, you may make one melee weapon attack; this attack deal an additional 10 damage.
Disrupting Blow
Prerequisite: 10th level
As an action, you may spend 1 ki point to make a single melee attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
Hearing the Air
Prerequisite: 10th level
By spending 2 ki points, you can focus on the battlefield around you, gaining blindsight with a range of 20 feet for 1 minute.
Mithral Tornado
Prerequisite: 10th level
As an action, you may spend 2 ki points to make a melee weapon attack against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, making a separate roll for each creature.
Scything Blade
Prerequisite: 10th level
On your turn, immediately after making the Attack action, you may spend 3 ki points as a bonus action to make two melee weapon attacks.
Adamantine Hurricane
Prerequisite: 15th level
As an action, you may spend 8 ki points to make 2 melee weapon attacks against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, making a separate roll for each creature. Each of these attacks adds your Wisdom bonus to the damage roll.
Diamond Nightmare Blade
Prerequisite: 15th level
As an action, you may spend 8 ki points to make a single melee weapon attack. You may add your Wisdom modifier to the damage roll (in addition to your ability score modifier), the attack is a critical hit, and triggers any effects that occur on a natural 20. Additionally, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom bonus. Once you use this ability, you must take a long rest before you can do so again.
Finishing Move
Prerequisite: 15th level
As a bonus action, you may spend 8 ki points, and select a target that you can see. For the rest of this turn, each of your successful melee weapon attacks against that target gain a cumulative 2d6 bonus to damage, to a maximum of 8d6 damage. One you use this maneuver, you must take a long rest before you can do so again.
Lightning Throw
Prerequisite: 15th level
As an action, you may spend 5 ki points to throw your weapon. Your weapon spins through the air, hitting every creature in a 5-foot wide, 120-foot long line. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d10 Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage (based on the weapon you threw), or half as much damage on a successful save. Your weapon returns to your hand at the end of the throw.
Strike of Perfect Clarity
Prerequisite: 15th level
As an action, you may spend 8 ki points to make a single melee weapon attack. If it hits, this attack deals an additional 10d10 slashing damage. Once you use this ability, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
Time Stands Still
Prerequisite: 15th level
After taking an action on your turn, by spending 8 ki points you can take an additional action and an additional bonus action on this turn. Once you use this ability, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.
Fighting Style: Hand-and-a-Half
While wielding a versatile weapon in two hands, you gain a +1 to attack and +1 to damage with that weapon.
Changelog: 10/19/15: Iron Heart Surge clarified to function even when condition would prevent you
from taking actions.
11/2/15: Exorcism of Steel now offers a save each end to end the effect early, and no longer causes any disadvantage on a failed save.