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Warlock Subclass

Notes from the Palm: This is entirely designed to emulate Mega Man, Iron Man, and any other sort of  “guy that shoots lasers from his hands”. It has been playtested, though not extensively, and seems to work quite well in it’s current form. The new pact Boon and Invocations are built to support the idea of an “Arm cannon”, and all the neat stuff that allows a “Super fighting robot” to do.

The Enhanced

The path to power often lies across a mire of hardship and strife. For many, that can mean years of hard study and practice; for some, it can mean deals with people or entities that man was not meant to deal with. For a small few, though, their power is thrust upon them, often against their own wishes. It is from this small group of individuals that the Enhanced pull their ranks.

The Enhanced are warlocks with a peculiar patron, that of one of the whirring, clicking entities of Mechanus. In most cases, an enhanced is a righteous, law-abiding individual who suffer’s some form of ignominious or horrific near death; the servants of Mechanus collect the poor soul, craft him a new, powerful body, and bestow upon him great power. Rarely, they will offer a sprig of divine inspiration to one who has lost all hope, and that inspiration allows the chosen one to craft the means to change his life.

Whatever the case may be, the Enhanced are uniformly odd and alien when viewed by common folk, seeming to share much more in common with golems than man.

Enhanced Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
magic missile, shield
enhance ability, scorching ray
haste, lightning bolt
fabricate, locate creature
destruction wave, wall of force

Summon Armor

At 1st level, you gain the ability to summon a suit of armor. As a bonus action, this armor appears on your person, fitted and ready to go. You are proficient with this armor, it has no strength requirement, and you suffer no drawbacks from sleeping in this armor. It always appears as a full-body suit of heavy, fully-sealed plate armor made of some alien material, but its ability to protect you grows as your warlock level grows.

You may dismiss your armor as a bonus action. You may summon any version of your armor for which you meet the level prerequisite. Should you obtain suit of magical armor, you may integrate its abilities into your armor plating; doing so requires a ritual that requires 8 hours, after which your armor plating gains the magical enchantment. You may only integrate one magical suit of armor at a time, and you must still attune to it, if required.

Armor Plating

Warlock Level
Armor Class (AC)
14 + Dex modifier (max 2)   Medium
15 + Dex modifier (max 2)   Medium
16   Heavy
18   Heavy

Probability Matrix

At 6th level, your mental capacity receives a profound upgrade. Following a short or long rest, select either Intelligence or Wisdom based skills. You add half your proficiency bonus to all skills of that type that you are not proficient in until you again a short or long rest.

Additionally, your benefactors offer you the chance to augment your intelligence at the cost of your emotions. Upon reaching 6th level, you may swap your Intelligence score and your Charisma score; this process takes 24 hours, and is permanent. Should you choose this, your pact magic, invocations, and all other warlock features that utilize Charisma now instead use Intelligence instead.

Ablative Coating

At 10th level, your armor begins to generate a field of ablative energy. Following a short or long rest, select two of Radiant, Lightning, or Force damage. While you are wearing your armor plating, your gain resistance to the chosen damage type until you use this ability again.


At 14th level, you unlock the full power of your enhanced frame. As an action, you may fire a massive blast of energy in a 10-foot wide 120-foot long line. Each creature in this area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 5d10 Radiant and 5d10 force damage, or half as much on a successful one. After using this ability, you must take a short or long rest before you can do so again.

New Pact Boon

Pact of the Arm

You gain a special spell focus that fuses to your one of or both of your arms: A magical gauntlet, a pair of palm-mounted focusing crystals, an arm-mounted crossbow, whatever it may be. Whichever form it takes, its function is to focus your spell attacks, granting them additional power.

Any time you make a ranged spell attack, it gains a +2 to attack roll. Your Arm focus does not inhibit your normal use of that hand or arm, but that hand must be free in order to use your focus. Additionally, you gain one cantrip that uses a ranged spell attack from any class list.

New Invocations

Energetic Blast

Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Arm feature
You may focus powerful elemental energies through your Arm Focus, charging your eldritch blast. When you cast eldritch blast, you may choose for it to deal Radiant, Lightning, Fire, or Force damage.

Focused Blast

Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Arm feature, eldritch blast cantrip 
You can divert additional energy into your Arm when you focus your eldritch blast on a single opponent. If all of your beams target a single creature when you cast eldritch blast, you may use your bonus action to create one additional beam targeted at this creature.

Charged Blast

Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Arm feature
You may spend a bonus action to charge energy into your Arm focus. If you do so, the next spell you cast that deals damage deals an additional die of damage to each target or creature affected by the spell.

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