Comments from the Finger: A quick read, no pun intended.
You have received training in a unique fighting style that favors fast movement and devastating attacks.
Distance Runner
Beginning when you select this archetype at 3rd level, your base walking speed increases by 5 feet. At 7th level, this movement speed bonus increases to 10 feet, and at 15th level it increases to 15 feet.
Additionally, you can perform a Forced March for twice as long before suffering levels of exhaustion.
Skirmish Strike
At 3rd level, once on each of your turns, when you attack immediately after moving at least 10 feet, you can deal an additional 1d8 damage on a hit. At 11th level, this bonus damage increases to 2d8.
Vigilant Scout
Starting at 7th level, you can make an initiative roll with advantage. After doing so, you must complete a short or long rest before doing so again.
At 11th level, when you use your action to Dash or Disengage, you can make an attack against a creature within reach.
Sprinting Dodge
At 15th level, when you use your action to Dash, attacks against you have disadvantage until the start of your next turn.
Changelog: 2/29/16: Distance Runner: Increased movement speed at 7th and 15th level
Skirmish Strike: Increased damage at 11th level
3/30/16: Skirmish Strike: Reworded: no longer requires the attack to be made on the Attack action, as long as it is on your turn (to allow better synergy with Swiftblade.)