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Wizard Subclass

Comments from the Finger: This has been on my plate for a while, and I’m not entirely sure if I pulled it off. Regardless, I’m really looking forward to the criticism on this one.

**Special thanks to Sleepy Magus for helping out on this one**

School of Wands

As a practitioner of the School of Wands, you don’t entrust your magic to your own, delicate hand movements and material components. Wand wizards instead place their faith in magic wands of all varieties, carefully selecting which to fill with spells and casting them, one in each hand, with reckless abandon.

Wand Apprentice

When you select this school at 2nd level, you learn how to craft temporary wands to channel your arcane power. You can fashion a number of empty wands equal to your Intelligence modifier.

When you prepare spells following a long rest, you can expend a spell slot to imbue an empty wand with magic. The wand becomes capable of casting a single 1st level spell from your spellbook for 1 charge. This wand has a maximum number of charges equal to twice the level of the spell slot expended. For example, a 5th level wand wizard can expend a 3rd level spell slot to craft a burning hands wand with 6 charges. When you take a long rest, your wands revert to empty wands and lose all unused charges.

Because your wands are powered by your magic, only you can use them. Additionally, a wand can’t hold a spell that requires material components which have a cost. A created wand counts against the number of spells you can prepare.

At 6th level, you can make wands capable of casting 2nd level spells, which cost 2 charges, if you create it by expending a spell slot of 2nd level or higher. At 10th level, you can make wands capable of casting 3rd level spells, which cost 3 charges, if you create it by expending a spell slot of 3rd level or higher.

Wand Recharge

Starting at 6th level, as a bonus action, you can expend a spell slot and convert it into charges for a wand that you are holding. The wand regains charges equal to the level of the spell expended, up to its charge maximum.

Dual Wand Wielder

By 10th level, you have learned how to wield a wand in each hand, casting one as an action, and the other as a bonus action, consuming 2 charges instead of 1. You can only use 1st level wands in this fashion.

Wand Master

Beginning at 14th level, every wand you make gains an additional charge, and spells cast from them are cast as if using a spell slot 1 higher than normal.

Changelog: 4/21/16: Wand Apprentice: Wands are prepared when you prepare spells. Also, some rewording
Dual Wand Wielder: Renamed from ‘Wand Adept’

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