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College of Ilumination | 5E 2014

Bard Subclass

*I seriously think Takiskal can do no wrong on his subclasses. This is his reaction to our Divine Bard, which has it’s own awesome, unique spin on the whole thing.*

College of Illumination

Bards of the College of Illumination devote themselves to the idea of bringing light and music even to the darkest corners of the world. Some say that the college started hundreds of your ago when a celestial taught the Music of the Heavenly Chorus to a mere human. Others say that the sun god communicated with a humble follower through music, and thus was this college born.

Bonus Spells

When you join the College of Illumination at 3rd level, you learn the dancing lights and light cantrips. You can double the radius of light these cantrip emit when you cast them. Additionally, you learn the following spells:

Illumination Bonus Spells 

Spell level Spell
1st faerie fire
2nd scorching ray
3rd daylight
4th wall of fire
5th scrying

Purifying Aria

At 3rd level, you can spend two Bardic Inspiration dice as an action to use the cleric Turn Undead feature. You use you Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier to determine your save DC.


By 6th level, as a bonus action when deal damage to a single creature with a cantrip, you can summon forth the light of a heavenly candle, which lingers around the creature. The next melee attack made against this creature until the start of your next turn has advantage.

Light of Peace

Starting at 14th level, you can call upon a heavenly light to heal your allies. When a creature uses one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, it regains hit points equal to your bard level + your Charisma modifier.

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