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Ranger Archetype
Comments from the Finger: I am darkness! I am the night! I am a high-level ranger!


Walking the line of the vigilante means taking the law into your own hands, and following your own code. Inevitably, you will become a lawbreaker in your own right, despised by lawmen and feared by criminals, but such a sacrifice is necessary for the greater good. Vigilantes strike first, and strike mightily against their foes, standing against the tide of any villain that stands in their way.

Punish the Guilty
Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, when you attack a creature with all its hit points, you can make one additional attack against it. If you deal damage to this creature, it has disadvantage on attack rolls it makes during its next turn.

Swift Escape
Starting at 7th level, you can add your proficiency bonus to initiative rolls. Additionally, you can take the Dash action as a bonus action on your turn.

Strike First
By 11th level, you are expert in quickly ending fights. Once on each of your turns when you enter a hostile creature’s reach, you can make an attack against it.

At 15th level, your determination allows you to shrug off effects that would otherwise harm you. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Constitution saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.


Changelog: 8/5/16: Strike First: Reworded for mechanical clarity
8/6/16: Punish the Guilty: Target gets disadvantage on attack roll
Swift Escape: Allows you to add your proficiency bonus to initiative rolls



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