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Tattooed Monk | 5E 2014

Monk Subclass

Comments from the Finger: A much requested one, most recently by /u/I_Drink_kerosene on reddit.

Way of the Tattoo

Certain monastic orders practice the art of heightening ki flow through the body by inscribing magic tattoos on their skin. Each tattoo is a permanent mark of wisdom, and a reminder of the serenity to be found in life. These tattooed monks shave their heads, speak in cryptic riddles and maxims, and—in many cases—travel the countryside furthering their quest for enlightenment.

Ki Tattoos

Beginning when you choose this monastic tradition at 3rd level, you learn to craft magical tattoos that focus the bearer’s ki into specific forms. You begin with two tattoos, and gain additional tattoos as you gain levels in this class, as shown in the Tattoos table.


Monk Level Tattoos
3rd 2
6th 3
11th 5
17th 6

Armor of Ink

Starting at 6th level, you can use your bonus action to twist your tattoos into arcane wards. Until the beginning of your next turn, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Once you use this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Temporary Tattoo

By 11th level, you have learned to inscribe your tattoos using temporary ink. You can tattoo a willing creature with a temporary version of a tattoo you have, in a process that takes 10 minutes. This creature gains the benefits of this tattoo for 24 hours. Only one creature can gain the effects of a temporary tattoo at a time.

Marked for Death

At 17th level, you can use your action create a special mark, a tattoo that beckons death, on a creature within your reach. Make an attack roll against this creature. On a hit, you have marked the creature for the next minute. A marked creature cannot regain lost hit points, and has vulnerability to any damage you deal to it, provided it is not immune to this damage.

Once you use this ability, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.


The tattoos listed below are in alphabetical order. Unless otherwise noted, you can only gain the effects of each tattoo once.

Bamboo. Your Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Bull. You gain proficiency in Strength (Athletics), if you did not have it before. You can add twice your proficiency bonus when you make an ability check using this skill.

Chameleon. If no creature can see you, you can use your action to become invisible for up to 10 minutes. This effect ends if you move, attack, or cast a spell.

Cobra. You gain proficiency in Dexterity (Stealth), if you did not have it before. You can add twice your proficiency bonus when you make an ability check using this skill.

Crab. You can use your reaction when you take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage to reduce the damage taken by 1d8.

Crane. You and allies within 10 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

Crescent Moon. You can spend 1 ki point to run across the winds. Until the end of your turn, you gain a flight speed equal to your movement speed. Your movement must begin and end on solid ground, otherwise you fall.

Donkey. You and allies within 10 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.

Dragon. You can spend 1 to 3 ki points as an action to project a cone of flame from your mouth. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must make a Dexterity save. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature takes 2d6 fire damage for each ki point expended on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one.

Full Moon. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Lion. You and allies within 10 feet of you have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Monkey. You gain proficiency in Dexterity (Acrobatics), if you did not have it before. You can add twice your proficiency bonus when you make an ability check using this skill.

Mountain. Your Strength score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Turtle. You gain proficiency in using shields and gain the benefits of your monk class features while holding one.

Rabbit’s Foot. When you spend your last ki point, roll any die. On an even roll, you regain that point immediately.

Sunrise. You have resistance to fire damage. Also, whenever you deal damage with an unarmed strike, you can change the damage type to fire damage.

Third Eye. You can use your action to detect the presence of living things within 100 feet. When you do so, you learn the number of creatures in the area, but not their type or locations.

Wind. Your Dexterity score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Wolf. Your movement speed increases by 5 feet.

Changelog: 10/28/16: Armor of Ink: Resistance, rather than an AC increase
Temporary Tattoo: Only one tattoo at a time
Chameleon: 10 minute duration
Crab: Affects magical and nonmagical damage
Crane, Donkey, and Lion: Affects you and allies within 10 feet. Provides advantage.
Dragon: Requires an action
6/16/17: Turtle Tattoo: Clarifies that you can use all monk features while holding a shield

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