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Anointed Knight | 5E 2014

Fighter Subclass

Comments from the Finger: This fantastic subclass comes from Grand Moff Zela! This is a great candidate for a spell-less paladin, in case you’re wondering.

Anointed Knight

The Anointed Knights are an order of spiritual warriors who study and emulate the divine. Armed with weapons imbued with light and bows marked by angels, they venture forth to combat whatever evil they may find. Often mistaken for paladins, anointed knights do not draw their power from a deity or a set of ideals, but from the divine aspect within themselves. Anointed Knights believe that each living thing contains a spark of the divinity that created it, and train to utilize that spark in battle.


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the Religion skill. If you already have proficiency in this skill, you can add twice your proficiency bonus when you make an ability check using it.

Spirit Weapon

At 3rd level, you can perform a 1 hour ritual to imbue a weapon you are holding with your soul’s divine spark. Once you have imbued this weapon, you can summon it to your empty hand as a bonus action, as long it and you are on the same plane of existence.

This weapon counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. When you deal damage with your spirit weapon, you can choose for the damage type to be radiant damage instead of the normal damage for that weapon.

Anoint with Oils

Starting at 7th level, you learn the secrets of crafting divine oils. During a long rest, you can imbue normal oil with holy energy, creating a divine oil chosen from the Divine Oils list below. You can anoint yourself with divine oil a bonus action.

At 7th level, you can make two divine oil when you take a long rest. You can craft an additional oil at 10th level (3 oils), 15th (4 oils), and 18th level (5 oils). You can create more than one of the same oil when you take a long rest. Unused oils lose their divine spark after 24 hours, and become mundane oil.

Spiritual Strike

As you strengthen your divine spark, your Spirit Weapon grows in power. Starting at 10th level, once per turn when you hit a creature with your Spirit Weapon, that creature takes an extra 1d8 radiant damage. This damage increases to 2d8 if the target is a fey, fiend, or undead.

Healing Touch

At 15th level, you learn to use your divine spark to heal others. You can use Second Wind one additional time between rests. When you do so, you can choose to heal another creature within your reach, instead of yourself. The target of this ability regains 2d10 hit points + your fighter level and is no longer cursed, diseased, poisoned, blinded, or deafened.

Spiritual Ascendance

At 18th level, your divine spark takes on a life of its own, gaining sentience. If your Spirit Weapon is already sentient, its alignment, personality, ability scores, and properties remain unchanged, and it gains a random minor beneficial property. Otherwise, your Spirit Weapon becomes a sentient magic item with the same alignment as you. The weapon has the following Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores (assigned as you see fit): 14, 14, 10. The weapon can speak, read, and understand any languages you can. It has hearing and normal vision out to 120 feet. It gains a special purpose determined by the DM and gains a random minor beneficial property. Your weapon can communicate telepathically with you.

Divine Oils

The oils here are presented in alphabetical order.

Oil of Clarity

You gain advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws until the end of your next turn.

Oil of Communion

For the next 10 minutes, you are considered to be under the effect of the spell tongues.

Oil of Discernment

For the next 10 minutes, you are considered to be under the effects of the spell detect evil and good.

Oil of Flight

You gain a flying speed equal to your base walking speed until the start of your next turn.

Oil of Grace

For 1 minute, you are considered to be under the effects of the spell bless.

Oil of Light

For the next hour, you shed bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light in a 20-foot radius beyond that. You can use a bonus action to suppress or reactivate the light.

Oil of Protection

For the next minute, your AC increases by 1.

Oil of Purification

When you use this oil, you are cured of one disease or poison afflicting you.

Oil of Swiftness

For the next minute, your base speed increases by 15 feet.

Oil of Truth

For the next minute, you know when you hear a lie.

Changelog: 11/13/16: Healing Touch: Changed to work with Second Wind
Spiritual Ascendance: Sentence added to account for already sentient weapons.

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