Comments from the Finger: This classic from 3.5 was done by Idanbhk, who is proving to be quite the master of writing arcanists.
School of the Green Star
Once a generation, the legendary Green Star crosses the sky, a portent of great and terrible events. Each time it passes, shooting stars of burning emerald fall from the sky. These fallen stars are the only known source of starmetal, a rare and precious ore infused with mighty magical powers.
A wizard of the School of the Green Star utilizes the wondrous properties of the starmetal, turning himself slowly from a creature of flesh and blood into a statue forged of starmetal, gaining great powers in the process.
Starmetal Rigor
At 2nd level, the starmetal has started to strengthen your body and harden your skin. Your hit point maximum increases by 1 and increases by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class.
Additionally, when you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Fists of Starmetal
At 2nd level, your fists become harder, and can be used to focus your magical energies. Your unarmed strikes use a d4 for damage. These strikes are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. At 6th level, your strikes use a d6 for damage, and at 14th level they use a d8 for damage.
When you make a melee spell attack, you can add your unarmed strike damage to the effects of the spell. Also, once per turn, when you make a ranged spell attack roll, you can make it as a melee spell attack instead.
Starmetal Resistance
Starting at 6th level, the magic of the starmetal helps you overcome physical difficulties. You can gain advantage on a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving throw. You must choose to use this ability before you roll the saving throw, and you cannot use this ability again until you finish a short or long rest.
Unbroken Will
At 10th level, the starmetal hardens your mind. Damage cannot break your concentration on spells of 3rd level or lower.
Emerald Perfection
At 14th level, you complete your transformation, and resemble a perfectly sculpted statue of yourself forged from green starmetal. You are changed by the following ways:
- You do not need to eat, sleep or breath.
- You do not age, and you do not die of old age.
- You are immune to poison damage and to all diseases.
- You are immune to the exhausted, paralyzed, petrified, and poisoned conditions.
- You can use your own magical body as an arcane focus. If you do so, your spell save DC and spell attack bonus each increase by 1.