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Epic Boons – Ascend to Archfey | 5E 2014

I doubt any of you will be surprised to learn that I have thought about how PCs could become archfey. I wanted it to be something that would be within reach of relatively ordinary characters; there are no hard and fast rules about how powerful the archfey really are and several sources mention elves (particularly eladrin) rising from being adventurers to being archfey. Therefore, I went with epic boons!

Becoming an Archfey

Any creature that gains the boons of Fey Justice, Fey Majesty and Fey Pact-Making (detailed below) may call themselves archfey. The title has no power in and of itself, but it carries significant authority among fey creatures nonetheless. Archfey command respect from other creatures, and may reasonably expect to socialize with deities and other powerful beings. Many archfey establish courts in the faerie style – or serve in the courts of even greater archfey – even if they are not faeries themselves. These courts typically wander the planes hosting balls, parties and celebrations, forming one of the central pillars of fey culture by bringing together the oft-isolated enclaves of fey creatures into something resembling a society.

Epic Boons

Boon of Fey Immortality

Prerequisites: either fey ancestry or fey creature trait
The most powerful fey are true immortals, untouched by time and impossible to kill. You do not age, and indeed, can alter your appearance to look like yourself at any age. If you are killed by any means, including by being disintegrated or having your home destroyed, you are resurrected 2d10 days later in the spot where you died. Your new body is in perfect health; all negative conditions and injuries you suffered from when you died are removed. During those days, your soul experiences whatever afterlife it would normally have.

Boon of Fey Justice

Prerequisites: either fey ancestry or fey creature trait
You can turn other fey creatures into nymphs and cold riders (use the dryad and wight stat blocks). This functions in the same way as the true polymorph spell, except that its duration is instantaneous, shapechangers are not immune and the effects are automatically permanent. If the target has class levels, they retain them after the transformation.

Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Boon of Fey Majesty

Prerequisites: either fey ancestry or fey creature trait
You can grant divine magic to clerics and create favored souls. Choose up to two cleric domains (which should reflect your values and personality); your clerics and favored souls must belong to one of your domains. You can revoke a cleric’s powers at any time, though you are also obliged to answer them if they cast the commune spell. Favored souls must be chosen before they are born; you must appear in person to bless (or curse) the pregnancy – it is traditional but not compulsory to do this in disguise.

Once per day, you can appear to one of your clerics or favored souls in a vision or dream. There is no limit on the nature or duration of this vision, and you can alter your appearance during it in any way you like.

Boon of Fey Pact-Making

Prerequisites: either fey ancestry or fey creature trait
You can make pacts with warlocks and grant any relevant pact boons, as if you were an Archfey Otherworldly Patron. You can also transfer warlocks to and from other archfey – and can re-negotiate the terms of the pact in the process.

You can terminate a pact at any time, but when you do so, you immediately take 10d10 necrotic damage which cannot be avoided or resisted in any way.

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