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College of Mimes | 5E 2014

Bard Subclass

Comments from the Finger: We’re casually making our way through every type of artist possible. I think next on the list is underwater basket weaver. But, you know, fantasy baskets.

College of Mimes

Underappreciated and often misunderstood, mimes are among the most unique performers ever to have taken up the bardic mantle. The College of Mimes takes its training seriously, rigorously enforcing standards of silence, pantomime, and facepaint among its students. Those who master this strange and enchanting art can harness the power of invisibility, hiding their equipment and their very spells from the untrained eye.


Starting when you choose this college at 3rd level, you have begun to master the art of performing in complete silence. When you cast a spell that requires a verbal component, you can substitute it for a somatic component instead. Additionally, a target of your Bardic Inspiration need not hear you, as long as it can see you.

On your turn, you can also, though miming, communicate complex ideas to those who can see you. You can use your action to make a DC 15 Charisma (Performance) check to act out a sentence of 10 words or fewer. On a success, any creature which watches you that knows at least one language can understand what you mean.

Unseen Equipment

At 3rd level, you can make some of your equipment invisible. You can spend 1 minute performing a ritual that makes an object or weapon you can hold invisible for 24 hours. You can only make 5 objects invisible at one time. If another creature holds one of your invisible objects, the object becomes visible again.

Hidden Spell

Starting at 6th level, once on each of your turns, you can render invisible the visual effects of a spell you cast. Because the target can’t prepare for the spell, even if it watches you cast it, you can choose to increase the spell’s save DC by 1 or increase its damage by 1d8, if applicable. Additionally, any creature that tries to identify the spell you cast has disadvantage on any ability check to do so.

At 14th level, you can increase the spell’s save DC by 2 or increase its damage by 2d8.

Invisible Walls

By 14th level, you’ve mastered the most potent trick in a mime’s repertoire: raising an invisible cage around your enemies. You can cast the spell forcecage without using a spell slot or spell components. Once you use this ability, you must finish a long rest before using it again.

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