Notes from the Finger: Hey guys, we found another paeg from the Mispelled Spelbook!
Mispelled Spelbook Excerpts
The mispelled spelbook is easily the greatest prank pulled in the history of magic. Penned by a mischievous archfey in the language of the fey (which is, of course, always in rhyming verse,) the spellbook appears at first blush to be an immaculate tome, bound in rich leather, sewn with gold thread, and filled with useful spells. It is, unfortunately, cursed with a potent dyslexia hex, causing anyone who reads it to instead cast a hilarious misspelling of the original, often to disastrous results.
The following is an excerpt of spells from the book, with their accompanying misspellings and effects (known only to the GM before casting.)
Acid Splash | Acid Flash
You begin to hallucinate vividly and have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls for 1 minute. Additionally, the DM can choose one additional time within the next week to subject you to a second bout of hallucinations.
Confusion | Cowfusion
You undergo a horrible transformation, developing large black and white splotches, growing hooves in place of your hands and feet, and sporting a large udder. For the next 8 hours, you are a half-cow, an abomination of nature. You can’t perform any action in your new form that requires the use of your hands, though you can produce a small amount of terrible tasting milk. (For everyone’s sake, don’t think too deeply about the milk.)
Disguise Self | Disguise Elf
Elves within 100 feet of you are magically disguised to appear as Vulcans from Star Trek for 1 hour.
Goodberry | Godberry
A stem gradually rises from the ground and quickly grows a perfect berry, made of solid gold. If you consume this berry, you are transported to the Upper Planes, where you walk in paradise for years, convening with deceased loved ones, experiencing the splendor of true divinity, and finally coming to know true peace. When it at last feels that a century has passed, you are suddenly transported back to the very spot you left, with no time having passed. You are now forced to trudge through a comparably depressing existence for the rest of your miserable days. You regain 1 hit point.
Hallow | Hollow
When you cast this spell, objects within a 60-foot radius around you are replaced with crude replacements that look convincing from a distance, but are actually made of cardboard and are completely hollow. The true objects are returned to their original locations after 24 hours.
Power Word: Kill | Power Word: Krill
You utter a powerful word that shakes the very room: Krill. A wave of thousands of small crustaceans flies in all directions. Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage from oncoming krill.
Ray of Frost | Day of Frost
At first, this spell seems to fizzle and fail. Shortly after, dark, ominous clouds form overhead and the temperature plummets. For the next 24 hours, a great blizzard rages within a 10-mile radius of where this spell was cast, blanketing every surface in snow and ice. When the duration is over, temperatures return to normal.
Silent Image | Silent I Mage
You and any creature within 100 feet of you capable of casting spells becomes unable to speak for 1 hour. Each of these creatures also has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks for the duration.
True Strike | Tree Strike
On your next attack roll, you have advantage. If you roll above a 10, you instead somehow hit a tree. If there is no tree within striking distance, you teleport to the nearest tree at the moment you attack, strike it, and return the very next moment.
Unseen Servant | Unseemly Servant
Initially, this spell appears to function as intended, and creates an unseen servant, as per the spell. This servant seems to be defective, however, or is more than likely drunk. It stumbles around, knocking objects over when you command it to move, and clumsily fails at any task you command it to perform.