Notes from the Nails: we’ve had a tomb raiding rogue in the Waste Update, but how about something a little more… gothic?
Body Snatcher
Creeping around in darkened graveyards, making their living by desecrating the resting places of the fallen, the body snatchers are a singularly unsavory bunch. Their grubby clothes, perpetually covered with soil and muck, mirror their dirty fighting styles: these rogues pick on the weakest of targets and are more than willing to stoop to any number of cheap tricks to gain an advantage – sometimes even making their own corpses when fresh ones are not available elsewhere. Despite this, their clients know that there is no one more reliable when it comes to clandestine excavation and exploration, and are therefore willing to hand over handsome sums to these filthy criminals.
Dirty Work
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you become adept at moving earth quickly and quietly. As long as you have appropriate tools (such as picks and shovels), you can use an action to excavate a five-foot cube of natural earth within five feet of you, or fill in a hole of the same volume.
Walls are Closing in
At 3rd level, you are most comfortable fighting in enclosed spaces. When your target is in a corridor or tunnel that is no more than 5 feet wide, you can use Sneak Attack against that creature, even if you do not have advantage against it or if no enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it.
‘Alternative Blessings’
By 9th level, you have found a way – perhaps by having a sign of protection tattooed into your skin, or by drinking nothing but holy water – to protect yourself from the many hexes and afflictions that are found among grave goods. You are immune to being cursed by magic items and your maximum hit points can’t be reduced.
Shadow Fade
Starting at 13th level, you excel at escaping into the shadows and out of harm’s way. When you use your Cunning Action to take the Dash or Disengage actions, you take both of these actions as part of a single bonus action.
Putrid Stench of the Grave
When you reach 17th level, you learn to extract vile fluids from diseased cadavers, which you can then turn into a weapon against your enemies. As an action, you can apply infectious slime to one weapon or three pieces of ammunition, which then works like an injury poison (you cannot use this in combination with other poisons). When you hit a creature with the diseased weapon, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC is equal to 8 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus) or become diseased. A diseased creature cannot regain hit points except by magical means, and immediately gains 1 level of exhaustion. Every hour, the creature must make the saving throw again, curing the disease on a successful save.