Notes from the Nails: I promised more druids, didn’t I? Yeah. Not bluffing.
Circle of Harmony
The Circle of Harmony is, above all else, devoted to the preservation of the balance between the four natural forces of earth, wind, fire and water. These druids spend their lives monitoring the elemental planes, opening or sealing portals to them in order to maintain a precarious equilibrium. They generally oppose the summoning of elementals by humanoid arcanists, viewing themselves as the only legitimate authority on natural magic, and go to great lengths to hunt down and silence any wizard or sorcerer who dabbles too much in elemental spells.
Planetouched beings occupy a fraught role in the hierarchy of the Circle of Harmony. The druids eagerly recruit genasi (indeed, the initiation ritual for new genasi druids is one of their grandest and most holy ceremonies), but only if they can induct one of each type simultaneously, so as to maintain parity within their ranks. The genasi are honored while they serve, but should one die or leave the circle, the others who joined with them must also be cast out to preserve the harmony.
Bonus Cantrips
Starting when you choose this circle at 2nd level, you learn the following additional cantrips: control flames, gust, mold earth, and shape water.
Defensive Harmony
At 6th level, you can select one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire or lightning. You gain resistance to damage of the chosen type. You can change which type of damage you resist when you finish a long rest.
Planar Guardian
By 10th level, you have become an expert in sending unwanted elementals back from whence they came. You can now cast the spell banishment without using a spell slot; it counts as a druid spell for you. Furthermore, elemental creatures have disadvantage on their saving throw when you cast this spell.
Once you have cast banishment using this ability, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again.
Effortless Summons
Starting at 14th level, whenever you summon an elemental using conjuration magic, you do not need to concentrate on the spell to sustain the spell or maintain control of the creature. The creature disappears after an amount of time equal to the spell’s usual duration.