We just released the High Seas Update on patreon! (Get it for only a few dollars!) In the spirit of swashbuckling adventure, we decided it’d be a fun idea to take a close examination of the Pirate’s Code, a set of rules (erm, guidelines) that all pirates follow when raiding and pillaging the seven seas.
Little did we know that there were a lot of weird bylaws in the code that often get overlooked. Here’s a few of them:
Excerpts from the Pirate Code
Article 1: The captain’s word is law
Article 1b: If the captain is too drunk to give orders, refer to the first mate.
Article 1c: If the first mate and the captain are both too drunk to give orders, the ship shall.not move until at least one of them sobers up.
Article 1d: Anyone who attempts to sober up the captain or first mate early in any other event than a life or death emergency shall be hung by the neck over the side of the hull.
Article 5: Anyone who insults the cook’s food shall be forced to eat the cook’s food.
Article 14: Any member of the ships company that earnestly shouts any of the following words will be beaten with a belaying pin for no less than a full minute: “Arrr”, “Matey”, “Avast”, “Yarr”, “Booty”.
Article 14b: Any man that says the word “Parlay” shall be shot, then stabbed, then hung until dead.
Article 18: Members of the ships company shall be paid an equal share of the loot.
Article 18b: If there is no loot, they shall be paid with an equal share of the rum.
Article 18c: If there’s no rum, the crew shall mutiny until rum is procured.
Article 25: Each member of the ships company shall bathe no less than once a month.
Article 25b: Rainstorms count as baths.
Article 25b-2: Only if there’s soap involved.
Article 43: The Helmsman picks the shanties. The gunners shut their cakeholes.