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Barbarian Subclass

Notes from the Nails: this blog does not condone sports hooliganism of any kind.

Path of the Die-Hard

For some people, siegeball is just a game. For others, it is a way of life. For a select few, however, it is more than that: for the die-hards, siegeball is a religion. Every team’s fanbase has a small hard core of super fanatics — people so utterly devoted to their team that they might fly into berserker rages after seeing them lose.

For a die-hard fan, the world is just one massive siegeball arena, which means that they are always ready for explosive, violent action, particularly against die-hard supporters of rival teams!

Master Improviser

Starting at 3rd level, you are an expert in ripping up the scenery and turning it into weaponry. You have proficiency with all improvised weapons. When you wield an improvised weapon, its damage die is 1d8 if wielded in one hand, 1d10 if wielded in two hands, and 1d6 if thrown as a projectile.

Furthermore, you can employ found objects as improvised shields, which function exactly like normal shields for you.


Also at 3rd level, you make sure to always carry a number of signal flares on your person. These can be thrown up to 60 feet away as an action, causing a 20-foot radius sphere around the point of impact to fill with smoke, which spreads around corners. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute, or until the smoke is dispersed by a moderate (at least 10 miles per hour) wind.

You can carry a number of flares equal to your Constitution modifier, and restock your expended flares when you complete a long rest.

Pick a Fight

At 6th level, when you enter a rage, you can pick a fight with one creature you can see within 60 feet of you. For the duration of the rage, that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against any target other than you.

Casual Attire

At 10th level, as long as you are not wearing armor, you have advantage on any checks made to disguise yourself as a member of a hostile group.


Also at 10th level, as a bonus action when you hit a Medium or smaller creature while raging, you can strike its knees, halving its speed until the beginning of your next turn. Creatures that do not have knees or similar joints (or have more than two legs) are unaffected by this ability. This attack does not add your Rage bonus damage to this attack.

Mob Mentality

By 14th level, it only takes you and a few other ultra-fans to start a riot. While raging, friendly creatures you choose within 5 feet of you can add your Rage bonus damage to their melee weapon attacks.

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