Gosh, I love Lovecraft. I also love 1920s detective thrillers and everything pulp. And I love D&D, which I why I beseeched the Maimed Lord Vecna (praise be) to create this site in the first place.
That’s the reason why I’m so damn excited about this season of Hero Club — they’ve used our very own Lovecraft Handbook to create a 1920s detective thriller called It Never Sleeps! Even if you’re not regularly a podcast person, you should give this a listen: it’s slickly-presented and entertaining as hell. Plus, the monster that shows up in this episode is legitimately scary — I’m genuinely jealous that I didn’t write this myself.
To give you an idea of what to expect, the main character is playing an Investigator rogue, so we’ve redone that whole PDF with a fresh coat of paint. Enjoy!