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Genie Bloodline | 5E 2014

Sorcerer Subclass

Comments from the Finger: You know, this one has literally been on my to do list for like two years. It’s a good one to get out there!

Genie Bloodline

Genies, the noble and decadent rulers of the Elemental Planes are not born so much as they are spontaneously condensed from primordial energy and elementally-infused souls. Those with djinn or efreet blood running through their veins are therefore a curious anomaly. Do their magical ancestries stem from a shapeshifted genie using exotic magics to bear a mortal child, was one of their ancestors a genie transformed into mortal flesh, or is the origin even more complex? Such considerations are fanciful as they are speculative, for any such magic that could bear a genie’s child would be utterly tremendous; of course, legendary djinn are rumored to command the powers of the wish spell, so most anything is possible.

Elemental Dynasty

Starting at 1st level, you can choose one type of genie as your ancestor, gaining one of the following traits:

Djinn Serenity. Your ancestor was an honorable djinn. Instead of falling, you can use choose instead to stand hovering atop a pocket of air. You can walk atop this pocket of air, venturing up to 20 feet without a firm surface beneath your feet, but you can’t gain altitude by walking on this air. You can only stand hovering on this pocket of air for 1 minute, which need not be all at once. You regain all hovering duration when you finish a long rest.

Efreet Fury. Your ancestor was a cruel efreet. You can use your action to magically ignite a flammable nonmagical object with the touch of your hand or create a flame in your open hand. The flame sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. You can extinguish any nonmagical flame that you can see within 60 feet which can fit within a 10-foot cube.

Dao Determination. Your ancestor was a greedy dao. You have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws you make against effects that would push you against your will or knock you prone.

Marid Nobility. Your ancestor was a proud marid. You gain the ability to breathe underwater, and you have a swim speed equal to your walking speed.

Genie’s Heel

By 1st level, though your genie ancestors floated above the ground, you can still glide through the air as if you were a fraction of your weight. You fall at half the normal rate and take half damage from falling.

Lesser Wish

Starting at 6th level, you can conjure magic similar to a wish. You can expend a spell slot of 3rd level or lower and a number of sorcery points equal to that slot’s level in order to duplicate the effects of another spell on the sorcerer list. This spell must be of the same level of the spell slot you expended and can’t have metamagic applied to it. You must provide spell components for this spell as normal, but it need not be a spell that you know. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Arcane Nobility

Beginning at 14th level, you can bring your elemental ancestry to bear as pure, unbridled arcana. Your maximum number of sorcery points is increased by your Charisma modifier.


Starting at 18th level, your elemental ancestry grants you the ability to cast wish without hinderance. You learn the wish spell, if you don’t already know it. This spell doesn’t count against the total number of sorcerer spells that you know.

When you cast the wish spell to produce any effect other than duplicating another spell, the stress of casting the spell doesn’t weaken you. You don’t take necrotic damage and your Strength is not reduced. Lastly, there is a only a 1% chance (instead of a 33% chance) that you will be rendered unable to cast the spell again.

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