Notes from the Nails: and now for something that needs no introduction…
Grand Couturier
The warriors who call themselves ‘couturiers’ are a colorful and creative lot, placing a heavy emphasis on fashion, beauty and style. They go to extreme lengths to design for themselves the most impressive clothes imaginable, believing that there is no point to anything if you do not look fabulous while doing it.
In battle, they employ fantastical weapons to cut their enemies down to size, turning their dressmaking skills to violent ends. Couturiers are quick to violence, being naturally expressive and passionate sorts, which means they often come into conflict with those who would try to keep the peace – especially those who do so in dull, ugly uniforms.
Bonus Proficiency
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with tailor’s tools, which allow you to make and modify fabric-based items such as clothing, bags or dolls. Furthermore, you can add twice your proficiency bonus to any ability checks relating to clothes, fashion, or dressmaking.
Dressmaker’s Cut
Also at 3rd level, your ability to cut things is sharpened to an incredible degree. When you use a weapon to deal slashing damage, that damage counts as magical and ignores resistance to slashing damage. In addition, whenever you use your action to attack with a one-handed slashing weapon and your other hand is empty, you can use your bonus action to make another attack, stabbing a target with needles and pins. This attack is treated as a melee weapon in which you are proficient, its damage die is a d4 and it deals piercing damage.
Rapid Suturing
Starting at 7th level, you can use your Second Wind on any willing creature within 5 feet of you, allowing them to regain the hit points instead of you.
Mental Refitting
At 10th level, you learn to sever the strings of any puppeteer that tries to control you. You can use an action to end one condition that is causing you to be charmed or frightened. Once per short rest, if a creature you can see within 60 feet would be subjected to either of those conditions, you can use your reaction to extend this benefit to them for 1 minute.
Dye It Red
At 15th level, you are so sick of your clothes being ruined by bloodstains that you decide to give up and enjoy the bloodletting. Once per turn, you can deal an additional 1d6 damage when you hit a creature that doesn’t have all of its hit points with a melee weapon attack that deals slashing damage.
Fiber-Reinforced Body
At 18th level, you sew high-strength fibers into your skin, granting you immunity to critical hits and resistance to slashing damage.
New Equipment
The grand couturiers are famous for their bizarre and outlandish weapons. Always developing new ways of combating their foes, they have proven beyond doubt that creativity can be deadly.
Name | Cost | Damage | Weight | Properties |
Martial Melee Weapons | ||||
Drastic Measure | 4 gp | 1d6 slashing | 2 lb. | Reach |
Scissor Blade | 20 gp | 1d10 slashing | 3 lb. | Heavy, massive, versatile (1d12) |
Seam Ripper | 2 gp | 1 slashing | 1 lb. | Finesse, ripper |
Martial Ranged Weapons | ||||
Needle Gun | 100 gp | 1 piercing | 5 lb. | Ammunition (range 30/120), light, rapid fire (4 shots), reload (32 needles) |
Weapon Properties
These weapons have the following new properties:
Massive. This weapon is incredibly large and heavy. When a creature wields this weapon, it reduces the number of attacks that creature can make with the Attack action by one, to a minimum of one.
Rapid Fire. This weapon can fire multiple shots in quick succession. For each normal attack you make with this weapon, make the number of shots shown in brackets. For example, if you have the Extra Attack ability and use an action to fire a weapon with the Rapid Fire (2 shots) trait, you make a total of 4 shots, using 4 pieces of ammunition. Each set of 2 shots must be targeted at the same creature, and you can only add your Dexterity modifier to the damage on the first shot of each attack.
Ripper. This weapon damages the armor of any creature it hits. Creatures wearing nonmagical artificial armor have their AC reduced by 1 every time they are hit by this weapon. If this would reduce their AC to the level it would be without armor, the armor is permanently destroyed. Armor damaged in this way can be repaired with 10 minutes of work, which can be performed over a short or long rest.
Magic Items
The enchanted items carried by legendary grand courtiers might appear to be little more than tailor’s tools, but they’re absolutely deadly in a courtier’s hands.
Acupuncture Needles
Weapon (ammunition), uncommon
These magical blowgun needles disrupt the harmony of the target’s body rhythms. This magic ammunition has a +1 bonus to damage rolls against any target which has ki points. Additionally, a target with ki points loses 1 of them when hit by a needle.
Bolt of Starching
Weapon (ammunition), common
These magical crossbow bolts cause any clothing they hit to become stiff and uncomfortable, slowing the wearer. A target that is wearing clothes that is hit by one of these bolts has its base speed reduced by 10 feet until it uses an action to smooth out its clothing.
Goku Uniform, 1-, 2- or 3-Star
Wondrous item (soldier’s uniform), rare (1-star), very rare (2-star) or legendary (3-star) (requires attunement)
This expertly-tailored uniform grants you an AC of 14 + your Dexterity modifier (to a maximum of 2) + a magical bonus equal to its number of stars, and it can be donned or doffed as an action. Furthermore, you can add the bonus to any Athletics checks you make while wearing the uniform.
Rending Scissors
Weapon (scissor blade), rare
This pair of magical scissors must be wielded with both hands, but grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. When you roll a 20 on your attack roll with this weapon against a target that is wearing nonmagical clothing or artificial armor, one item of clothing or piece of armor of your choice can be cut apart, rendering it useless until it can be repaired.
Changelog: 06/09/18: Dressmaker’s Cut: Proficiency clarification
Goku Uniform: Updated to newest version
Needle Gun: Rapid fire increased to 4, short range reduced to 30, ammo capacity increased to 32, gp cost increased to 100
Rapid Fire: Adds Dex to damage only once per attack
Scissor Blade: Now Massive
Dye it Red: Once/turn
Mental Refitting: Costs an action
Seam Ripper and Rending Scissors do not work on magical gear.