Notes from the Nails: sometimes you want to play High School Harem Comedy, but the rest of your table wants to play D&D. Now you can have the best of both worlds!
The Senpai
The sky was painted gold by the setting sun, the first time you locked eyes with senpai. In that instant, when you could hear nothing except the pounding of your heart, you fell madly in love. You knew of course that someone so perfect would never love you back, yet still you clung to hope that one day they would return your feelings. Then one day, your persistence was rewarded: senpai offered to make a magical pact with you!
Expanded Spell List
Your pact with Senpai allows you to choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a new spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Senpai Expanded Spells
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | ceremony, faerie fire |
2nd | calm emotions, warding bond |
3rd | life transference, spirit guardians |
4th | aura of purity, Leomund’s secret chest |
5th | dominate person, Rary’s telepathic bond |
When your senpai notices you at 1st level, you are filled with such overwhelming joy that you wake up in a good mood every day. Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. Furthermore, you are so devoted to your senpai that you are immune to being charmed by anyone other than them.
Bishie Sparkles
By 6th level, just thinking about your senpai causes you to exude an aura of sparkly light and spectral flowers. As an action, you can trigger these sparkles, forcing each hostile creature within 20 feet that can see you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be blinded for 1 minute. An affected creature can attempt the save again at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Once you use this feature, you can‘t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Overpowering Love
At 10th level, your love for senpai is so strong that it allows you to overcome any odds. Whenever you have disadvantage on an attack roll or ability check, you can add a +2 bonus to the roll.
Reliable Protector
By 14th level, your senpai has become a true prince, always on hand to save you when you are in danger. The first time you drop to 0 hit points, your senpai sends you some of their energy to keep you on your feet; you immediately regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your level and do not fall unconscious.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.