If you were on the fence about supporting before, Pledge Now!
Stretch Goals
Right on the horizon are the stretch goals, which are easily achievable and add really awesome stuff to the book.
To learn more about the stretch goals, visit the Kickstarter page.
Free Backer Achievements
Do you want a way to support the project without spending a dime? You can spread the word! We’re tallying the number of views, retweets, shares, and notes we get on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr to unlock additional smaller stretch goals, one of which is already done! So if you want to see a double-bladed lightsaber laser sword in Dark Matter, go retweet some stuff or check out the YouTube channel.
We’re at 2 points, which means we’ve unlocked the Hoverboard Magic Item!
2 points – Hoverboard Magic Item [done!]
4 points – Earth-Shattering Kaboom Spell
6 points – Coffee Cantrip
8 points – Double Laser Sword Magic Item
10 points – Grax’s Guys for Cheap Stickers for all physical backers
12 points – Dark Matter Galaxy Poster for the ‘Goodies’ tier and above