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Circle of Yin and Yang | 5E 2014

Druid Subclass

Notes from the Nails: we’ve been kicking around an idea for an East Asian setting for a while. This druid is one of the ideas I came up with in relation to that.

Circle of Yin and Yang

Druids belonging to the circle of yin and yang are common throughout the Orient. Known as ‘onmyoji’, they are relied upon by both nobles and the peasantry for their skills in divination and disaster aversion. These priests practice and eclectic blend of mysticism, druidry and conventional religion, blending the philosophies of knowledge clerics with a kind of primal, esoteric reverence for the natural world.

The most powerful onmyoji are able to bring their bodies and minds into perfect harmony with the natural world and take on the forms of various beasts. These shapeshifters are regarded with both awe and fear: the wisdom of their counsel is legendary but, in order to maintain their spiritual balance, many retreat into the mountains to live solitary lives, thus forcing petitioners to undertake challenging journeys to seek their advice.

Reverse Duality

Beginning when you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain a number of Duality Points equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1), which you can use to manipulate opposed energies. You regain all expended Duality Points when you finish a short or long rest.

You can reverse the positive and negative energies of a druid spell that you cast — as long as its duration is instantaneous — causing a spell that would deal damage to heal its target, and vice-versa. This costs a number of Duality Points equal to the level of the spell (1 point for cantrips.)

When you use this ability to convert healing into damage, spells that affect a single target require a spell attack roll (melee if the spell has a range of touch; ranged otherwise), while spells that can affect multiple targets require a Constitution saving throw against you druid spell save DC, with the damage being halved on a successful save. The damage dealt is necrotic.

When you convert damage into healing, no attack rolls or saving throws are required. Otherwise, the spells are unchanged.

Mystical Epistemology

By 6th level, you have gained such abundant knowledge that divination is second-nature to you. Whenever you cast a druid spell from the divination school, make an Intelligence (History) check. If the result is equal to or greater than 10 + the spell’s level, you can cast the spell without expending a spell slot.

In addition, augury and divination are added to the druid spell list for you.

Supreme Balance

At 10th level, you are able to balance you offensive and defensive powers, attacking and defending with the same move. If you deal damage to another creature on your turn, you can use a bonus action and expend one Duality Point to gain resistance the type of damage that you dealt until the beginning of your next turn.

Avert Disaster

Starting from 14th level, you have an uncanny ability to avoid catastrophe. Whenever you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you can re-roll the die. Each die can only be re-rolled once; you must accept the second result.

Changelog: 09/08/2018: Reverse Duality only applies to instantaneous druid spells.

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