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Drinks and Drinking Contests | 5E 2014


Comments from the Finger: I’m still plugging away at things for the Tavern book here on the blog. Hopefully, our loyal patrons don’t get upset that I’m writing so much of this in public. At at any rate, all of the magical drinks will be only in the tavern book.


Getting drunk happens in stages, as one circles the drain toward unconsciousness. Therefore, it is governed by a special condition known as drunkenness, which is measured in 10 levels. A drink can give a creature one or more levels of drunkenness, as specified in the drink’s description.

A creature immune to being poisoned can’t become drunk, and one with advantage on saving throws against being poisoned has advantage on saves against becoming dunk as well.

If an already drunk creature suffers another effect that causes drunkenness, its current level of drunkenness increases by the amount specified in the effect’s description. A creature suffers the effect of its current level of drunkenness as well as all lower levels.

An effect that removes drunkenness reduces its level as specified in the effect’s description, with all effects ending if a creature’s drunkenness level is reduced below 1.

Each hour that passes reduces a creature’s drunkenness by 1 level. Moreover, finishing a long rest drops a creature’s drunkenness to 0. If the creature’s drunkenness level was 5 or higher, they instead suffer the poisoned condition (as well as a blinding headache) for 4 hours.

Level Effect
1 A pleasant buzz fills your head
2 Passive Perception drops by 5
3 Coordination wanes: Disadvantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks
4 Words slur: Disadvantage of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma checks
5 Poor balance: Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
6 Speed halved
7 Attacks against you have advantage
8 Falling Over: Unless leaning against something, you fall prone at the end of your turn.
9 Vomiting: For 1 minute, you spend your action each turn retching. After this time, your drunkenness level drops by 1.
10 Unconsciousness, until the following morning

Drinking Contests

Participants in a drinking contest take turns selecting drinks (or rolling for them randomly), which each participant must then drink simultaneously. Each drink has different Constitution save DCs and impose different levels of drunkenness on a failure. A participant is eliminated when they vomit or fall unconscious.

Nonmagical Drinks

The following beverages are distinguishable from potions, as they include no magical additives.

d20  Drink Cost
1 Ale 4 cp
2 Beer 4 cp
3 Brandy 8 cp
4 Cider 6 cp
5 Coffee 2 cp
6 Dwarven Ale 4 sp
7 Dwarven Lager 4 sp
8 Dwarven Stout 4 sp
9 Elven Wine 2 gp
10 Gin 8 cp
11 Gnomish Cider 4 cp
12 Mead 4 cp
13 Orc’s Milk 2 sp
14 Perry 6 cp
15 Pixie’s Punh 1 sp
16 Rum 1 sp
17 Tequila 8 cp
18 Whisky 1 sp
19 Wine (common) 6 cp
20 Wine (fine) 1 gp


When you imbibe this drink, make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this drink, make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this fruity spirit, make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this sweet apple cider, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this hot, bitter drink, your exhaustion and drunkenness levels each temporarily decrease by 1 for the next hour. You can only be under the effect of one cup of coffee at a time.

Dwarven Ale

When you imbibe this beer, make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.

Dwarven Lager

When you imbibe this beer, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.

Dwarven Stout

When you imbibe this beer, make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.

Elven Wine

When you imbibe this lavish elven drink, make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you suffer 2 levels of drunkenness and have disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed for 1 hour. You suffer 1 level drunkenness on a successful save and do not have disadvantage.


When you imbibe this spirit, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.

Gnomish Cider

When you imbibe this berry-infused cider, make a DC 9 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this sweet wine, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.

Orc’s Milk

When you imbibe this warm concoction, make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save. While foul tasting, the drink provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.


When you imbibe this sweet wine, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.

Pixie Punch

When you imbibe this glittery, sweetened drink, make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this spirit, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this spirit, make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this spirit, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.


When you imbibe this wine, make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save. Wine comes in two varieties, common and fine, which vary in merits of taste and texture.

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