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Drinks | Into the Wilds | 5E 2014


Notes from the Nails: consider this a Fey Folio/Taverns & Tankards crossover episode!


Given the continuous program of balls, parties, festivals, and banquets that take place in the Feywild, it is no surprise that many fey creatures like a drink. What follows is a selection of some of the most popular tipples in the Plane of Faerie… please see here for our drinking rules, or pick up Taverns & Tankards for even more alcoholic fun!

Alraune Mead

Potion, common
As the name implies, this mead is made with honey produced by bees that have fed on alraune nectar. When you drink it, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save. Additionally, if you fail the save, you fall in love with the next creature you see within 10 minutes. You are charmed by that creature for 1 hour thereafter, regarding it as your true love.

Backwards Beer

Potion, common
The bubbles in this beer go down rather than up. When you drink it, make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 1 level of drunkenness on a failed save, but your drunkenness is reduced by 1 level on a successful save.

Bed of Roses

Nonmagical, 1gp per glass
When you drink this delicious cocktail, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save.

Druid’s Draught

Potion, common
When you drink this green, herbal brew, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save. Additionally, for the next minute, you are polymorphed (as per the spell) into a random beast of challenge rating 1/4 or lower.

Emerald Spirit

Nonmagical, 5gp per shot
When you imbibe this pale, sugary concoction, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 4 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save. Fey creatures have advantage on the saving throw.

Eternal Twilight

Potion, common
When you drink this hard-hitting cocktail, make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 4 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save. For 1 hour after drinking this cocktail, you gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, its range is extended by 60 feet.

Faerie Maraschino

Nonmagical, 2gp per snifter
When you imbibe this rich liqueur, make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save. If you succeed on the saving throw and are not a fey creature, you become a fey creature for the next hour.

Flirty Nymph

Nonmagical, 2gp per glass
When you drink this cocktail, make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save. If you fail the save, you face becomes extremely flushed for the next hour.


Nonmagical, 5gp per drink
When you drink this cocktail, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 5 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save. Whether you fail the save or not, your body shimmers with glittery light for the next 10 minutes; you cannot benefit from being invisible for the duration.

Goodberry Wine

Potion, common
When you drink this sweet wine, make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save. Additionally, you regain 10 hit points. A single glass of goodberry wine provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for 1 day.

Lady in the Lake

Nonmagical, 4gp per glass
When you drink this sapphire-blue cocktail, make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save. For 1 hour after drinking this cocktail, your swimming speed increases by 5 feet.

La Toxine Divine

Nonmagical, 5gp per snifter
When you imbibe this bittersweet spirit, make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you suffer 3 levels of drunkenness and take 2d6 poison damage. On a successful save, you suffer 1 level of drunkenness and take 1d6 poison damage. If you are a humanoid, the amount of drunkenness you would gain from this drink is doubled.

Leto’s ‘Total Eclipse’ Moonshine

Potion, common
When you drink this fiery spirit, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. You gain 3 levels of drunkenness on a failure or 1 level on a success. If you are a fey creature and are blinded or deafened, those conditions end for you.

Morningwood Sunrise

Nonmagical, 2gp per glass
When you drink this misty, layered cocktail, make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save. On a successful save, any hangover you would experience after the period of drunkenness to which this drink contributed is reduced by 1 hour.

Mysterious Stranger

Nonmagical, 5sp per shot
When you drink this dark and brooding shot, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save. Your voice then becomes thick and gravelly for the next 10 minutes.

Pixie Punch

Nonmagical, 1sp per glass
When you imbibe this glittery, sweetened drink, make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save.

Psychedelic Cider

Nonmagical, 1gp per mug
When you imbibe this sharp-tasting cider, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you gain 2 levels of drunkenness and colors seem brighter to you for the next hour, giving you the Sunlight Sensitivity trait. On a success, you gain 1 level of drunkenness and are not subject to Sunlight Sensitivity.


Potion, uncommon
This tiny bottle of potent spirits produces the same effect as a potion of diminution when drunk. When you imbibe it, however, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, gaining 3 levels of drunkenness on a failure or 1 on a success.

Sugar & Rainbows

Nonmagical, 2gp per glass
This colourful cocktail fills you with positive energy. When you drink it, make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 3 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save. You also gain 1d4 temporary hit points that last up to 1 hour.

Wine o’ the Wilds

Potion, common
When you drink this mushroom wine, make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 2 levels of drunkenness on a failed save, or 1 on a successful save. For the next 2 hours, you can speak, read, and write Sylvan.


Nonmagical, 9cp per glass
When you imbibe this strange beer, make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. You suffer 1 level of drunkenness on a failed save, or 2 on a successful save.

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