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Dark Matter Orcs and Errata | 5E 2014

Comments from the Finger: I made a full apology on Twitter about how we’ve handled orcs in Dark Matter, and why we’re trying to change them. I won’t reiterate all of it here, but suffice it to say, we’re trying to do better, and this is something we can meaningfully change. 


First and foremost, we’re changing some bits within Dark Matter, which will be reflected in all subsequent reprints. In the following PDF, significant sections of the “Orcs and Goblinoids” section have been rewritten. It attempts to cast the orcs in the universe in a different light, separating them from goblinoids as a whole. Furthermore, the following terms throughout the book are changed: the “Orc Warzone” and “Orc Warhorde” are changed to the “Warzone” and “Warhorde” respectively, and are cast almost exclusively with hobgoblins, bugbears, and gnolls.


We’ve also included an orc race which is compatible with Dark Matter. Besides just providing more context to orcs in this setting, it now lets you play orc characters in your campaigns!


On a far less considered note, the Dark Matter Starter Kit Kickstarter launches in just seven days! If you want the breakdown of what we’re launching, head to and get the free demo!

We’ll show off more of what we’re planning here over the next few days, so watch this space!

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