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Variant Rule: Alternate Spellcasters | 5E 2014


Comments from the Pinky: For those times when you really wanted to be a Wizard, but your parents sent you to Cleric school, we got you.

Alternate Spellcasters

Many times, a character concept will come to mind that fits the features and traits of a class, but not the ability scores central to that class. A Bard whose inspirations stem from study and learning rather than music or charm. A Paladin whose fervor and zeal are tempered by a lifetime in service to their cause. Such characters might favor abilities contrary to those primary to their spellcasting ability score, and can use the following optional rule to retrofit their mechanical elements to meet their narrative needs.

Optional Rule: Alternate Spellcasters

Using this variant rule, you can exchange your character’s spellcasting ability score for another one. Any class feature which uses the the spellcasting ability score is similarly switched. Doing so not only influences the character’s mechanics, but also changes the class’s name into something more suited to its variant magical origins.

Core Classes

Class Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Bard Chronicler Skald
Cleric Archivist Evangelist
Druid Haruspex Totemist
Paladin Inquisitor Templar
Ranger Explorer Drifter
Sorcerer Magus Mystic
Warlock Cultist Medium
Wizard Oracle Magician

Mage Hand Press Classes

Class Intelligence Wisdom Charisma
Binder Demonologist Envoy
Channeler Harbinger Iconoclast
Investigator Arbiter Factotum
Martyr Apologist Prophet
Warmage Battlepriest Firebrand
Witch Maledictor Shaman

Suggest any better names in the comments below!


  • Bjomolf says:

    I’d probably use Custos as the Warmage equivalent of Charisma Caster, but that’s my experience with another game where Custos was a fighter, rogue, mage class.

  • Beefster says:

    Monk: Intelligence: Martial Artist Wisdom: – Charisma: Pro Fighter

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