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Burden of Mercy | 5E 2014

A female-presenting warrior with long black dreadlocks and three scars over her right eye stands behind the hilt of a massive greatsword. She is wrapped in bloodstained bandages and surrounded by swirling magic the same color as her blood.

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Mortal Burden

Burden of Mercy

When the suffering of the world grows too heavy, and the cries of the anguished grow too loud, the gods deliver a martyr to ease the strife and bring peace to the masses. This burden, however, has no end. A martyr may spend all their days healing the sick and driving demons out of the possessed, but they will scarcely impact the world at large. Indeed, the onus upon them is not to mend every wound or comfort every widow, but to provide hope in the darkest of times that the gods have not forsaken their people, that peace will soon reign, and that light will be victorious.

Burden Spells

You gain burden spells at the martyr levels listed.

Martyr Level Spells
3rd healing word, sanctuary
5th enhance ability, lesser restoration
9th remove curse, revivify
13th death ward, freedom of movement
17th mass cure wounds, raise dead


Starting at 1st level, your divine mission grants you a sliver of divine magic. You learn the spare the dying and thaumaturgy cantrips, and one other cantrip of your choice from the cleric spell list. You don’t lose hit points for casting these spells. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.


Also at 1st level, you can use a bonus action to restore 1 hit point to a creature within 60 feet or remove the blinded, deafened, or poisoned condition from a willing creature you touch.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Sacrosanct Spell

At 6th level, when you cast one of your Burden Spells or a spell that has the sole effect of causing a creature to regain hit points, you lose no hit points from casting the spell if you cast it at its lowest level. Casting the spell still counts against your total number of spell uses.

Blessings of Broken Bread

Beginning at 14th level, once per day when you finish a short or long rest, choose up to five creatures you can see to gain a blessing. This blessing lasts until the creature finishes a short or long rest. Whenever a blessed creature makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, it can expend the blessing to reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Anointed Healer

By 18th level, your status as a divine healer is enshrined in sainthood. Whenever you restore hit points to a creature, you can add your martyr level to the number of regained hit points. A creature can benefit from this additional healing once, regaining the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

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