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House of Kings | 5E 2014

A tiefling warrior with weapons made of shimmering magenta energy on the cover of this PDF supplement.

Get all 12 subclasses in the Complete Warmage!

Warmage subclass

House of Kings


Warmages who train in the House of Kings specialize in tactics and strategy, learning age-old maneuvers to give them the edge in combat. Natural-born leaders, Kings work best with a cadre of supporters to perform their tactics and overwhelm the enemy. Moreso than all other warmages, those in the House of Kings treat life and death as little more than a game of strategy to be understood and conquered.

Bonus Proficiencies

When you choose this house at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with medium armor, as well as battleaxes, lances, longswords, tridents, and warhammers.

Battle Tactics

At 3rd level, you learn stratagems that are fueled by special dice called battle dice.

Battle Dice. You have two battle dice, which are d8s. A battle die is expended when you use it. You regain all of your expended battle dice when you finish a short or long rest, or when you roll initiative.
Your battle die changes and more battle dice become available when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the table below.

Warmage Level Battle Dice
3rd 2d8
7th 3d8
13th 3d10
19th 4d10

Using Battle Dice. Once per turn, you can expend a battle die to perform a stratagem of your choice. Your stratagem options are detailed at the end of the subclass description.

Saving Throws. When a stratagem calls for a saving throw to resist its effects, the saving throw DC is equal to your spell save DC.

Lead from the Front

Starting at 7th level, you and each friendly creature within 120 feet of you that can see you ignore nonmagical difficult terrain.

Tactical Master

Starting at 10th level, friendly creatures within 10 feet of you add your Intelligence modifier to their saving throws against spells and magical effects that deal damage.

Stratagem: Checkmate

At 15th level, you learn the following stratagem:

When you hit a creature with a weapon or spell attack, you can use your bonus action and expend a battle die to direct one of your companions to strike. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you that is within reach of the creature you hit. That creature can immediately use its reaction to make one weapon attack or cast a cantrip that requires an attack roll, adding the battle die to the attack’s damage roll.


Beginning at 18th level, when you roll initiative, choose a number of friendly creatures up to your Intelligence modifier that can see or hear you. Each of the chosen creatures gains a battle die, without you having to expend any battle dice.

Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, damage roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it makes the roll before deciding to add the battle die, but must decide before the GM determines the roll’s outcome. Once the battle die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one battle die from this feature at a time.


The stratagems are presented in alphabetical order.

Blitz. As a bonus action, when you hit a creature with an attack, you can expend one battle die to maneuver one of your comrades into a more advantageous position. Choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you. That creature can use its reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target of your attack.

Check. When you hit a creature with an attack, you can expend one battle die as a bonus action to force that creature to flee. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. A creature that is immune to being charmed automatically succeeds on this saving throw. On a failed save, the target must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move up to half its speed directly away from you.

Flash of Brilliance. When you make an Intelligence or Wisdom check, you can expend one battle die to add it to the check. You can choose to use this stratagem after the ability check is rolled but before the GM says whether the result was a success or failure.

Gambit. When you hit a creature with an attack, you can expend one battle die to give your allies an opening. The next creature other than you to make an attack against the target adds the battle die to their attack roll.

Mystic Counsel. You can use a bonus action and expend one battle die to give counsel to a creature that can hear you within 30 feet of you. Once in the next minute when the creature makes a saving throw against a spell it can choose to roll the battle die and add the result to the saving throw.

Stalemate. When you hit a creature with an attack, you can expend one battle die as a bonus action to hold that creature in place. Until the end of its next turn, the target can’t willingly move unless it first takes the Disengage action.

Get all 12 subclasses in the Complete Warmage

Or get more innovative subclasses in Valda’s Spire of Secrets!

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