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Legion’s Lodge | 5E 2014

Esoteric Cult

Legion’s Lodge

A lanky figure, his face little more than a constellation of stars under his hooded cloak, floats amid candle smoke coalescing into translucent, bestial spirits. The figure's hands each have two figures and a thumb extended as it summons the Vestiges of past heroes. This is the cover image of the Complete Binder.

Get all seven Esoteric Cults in the Complete Binder!

The binders of Legion’s Lodge fill their souls with an abundance of spirits, becoming hives of wandering ghosts and whispered voices from beyond the pale. With each new spirit they bind, they develop even greater power, as the whole of their collection is mightier than the sum of its parts. At the peak of their strength, these binders speak with the voice of dozens in uncanny unison and sling attacks for a swarm of minor spirits that linger around them.

We Are Many

Beginning when you join this cult at 3rd level, you gain an additional minor spirit, which doesn’t count against your total number of minor spirits. At 10th level, you gain another additional minor spirit.
Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with your minor spirits, and the save DC for your minor spirits increases by 2.

Spirit Arcana

Also by 3rd level, you have unlocked the hidden potential of the myriad spirits residing within you. Each minor spirit you have bound grants you the ability to cast a cantrip, as shown on the Spirit Arcana table below.

Spirit Arcana
Minor Spirit Cantrip
Blade Spirit True Strike
Chill Ray of Frost
Glitch Prestidigitation
Grue Acid Splash
Haunt Chill Touch
Lantern Guidance
Spark Shocking Grasp
Stone Resistance
Strange Message
Torchling Produce Flame
Totem Shillelagh
Wisp Minor Illusion

Extinguish Soul

Beginning at 7th level, you can burn the totality of a minor spirit’s essence for a flash of great power. When you hit with a minor spirit’s spell attack or a creature fails its saving throw against your minor spirit’s ability, you can choose to deal four dice of damage, instead of one. Until you finish a short or long rest, you can’t use this minor spirit’s abilities or use its associated cantrip.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Ritual of Fellowship

Starting at 10th level, you can perform a special ritual over the course of 10 minutes, manifesting a minor spirit you have bound in a physical form. This minor spirit becomes a familiar, as if summoned by the find familiar spell, and remains in this form until you finish a long rest. Additionally, on your turn, you can command your familiar to use any of its abilities it offers as a minor spirit (using your action or bonus action, as appropriate), which originate from it.

Spirit Horde

Beginning at 14th level, you can bring your army of minor spirits to bear all at once. When you use your bonus action to make a spell attack with a minor spirit or use a minor spirit to cause a target to make a saving throw, you can use that ability twice, or use the bonus action of another minor spirit, targeting the same or different creatures.

A lanky figure, his face little more than a constellation of stars under his hooded cloak, floats amid candle smoke coalescing into translucent, bestial spirits. The figure's hands each have two figures and a thumb extended as it summons the Vestiges of past heroes. This is the cover image of the Complete Binder.

The Complete Binder is now available in softcover!


  • Kip says:

    Sorry, but I notice that the rules for the We Are Many feature differ from the version in the Complete Binder PDF I bought. Here it adds +2 to the DC/Attack Roll of the Minor Spirits’ attacks, while my PDF says it lets you add your Charisma modifier to damage rolls with those attacks.

    Since this was updated more recently, should this be considered an errata of sorts, and I should use this version instead of the one presented in the PDF?

    • Christopher Clayton says:

      The most recent version of the PDF (which I think came out a couple weeks after your post) includes this change.

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