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Alchemist Subclass
Comments from the Finger: For various reasons (all of which end the phrase “and then Capcom sues us”) we couldn’t include our Monster Hunter subclass, the Bowgunner in the Complete Alchemist Redux, but so many people loved it, that we felt like we hand to resurrect it!

Special thanks to our fantastic artist Lucas Ferreira (CM) for the art on this one!


Explosive chemicals can be used for more than just bombs. By directing an explosion through a small tube, one can propel an object from said tube at high velocities. Some alchemists use this principle to their advantage, using their supplies to create handheld projectile launchers in lieu of bombs. Armed with such a weapon, an alchemist becomes a deadly and effective sharpshooter.

Explosive Missile

Starting when you choose this Field of Study at 2nd level, you gain the Explosive Missile discovery, which does not count against your total number of discoveries known. You also gain proficiency in the hand crossbow and heavy crossbow.

Formula: Paint Bomb

At 2nd level, you can make nonlethal bombs which spray a bright pink paint. By replacing your bomb’s explosive reagent with special paint pellets, you can change it into a paint bomb. A paint bomb deals no damage, but instead coats each creature within the blast radius in a neon-pink paint. You have advantage on ability checks made to spot or track creatures that are covered in this paint. Paint can be removed by dousing a creature with a gallon of water.

Bowgun Formula

By 6th level, you’ve engineered a system into your bowgun that mixes bomb formulae as they speed to their destination. You can apply any bomb formula to bombs you deliver with the Explosive Missile discovery.

Magnifying Scope

At 10th level, you’ve fitted your arsenal of crossbows with finely-tuned scopes. As a result, attacks made with your crossbows at long range do not have disadvantage, and you can ignore half and three-quarters cover on attacks made with your crossbows.

Clust S Lvl 3
When you reach 18th level, you developed a special cluster bolt, a projectile that fragments and scatters tiny bombs that detonate in a large area. As an action, you can expend up to 5 reagent dice to fire a cluster bolt at a point that you can see within 100 feet of you. Each creature within a 20-foot radius must make a Dexterity saving throw against your bomb save DC. A target takes 2d10 fire damage for each die expended on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. As a bonus action when you use this ability, you can apply any bomb formula you know to it, changing its damage dice, damage type, and effects accordingly.

New Discovery

This new discovery is available to bowgunners.


Prerequisite: 13th level, Bowgunner Field of Study
When you finish a long rest, you can expend a number of reagent dice to create flechette projectiles for your crossbow. For each reagent die you expend, you gain your choice of four finned flechettes or four piercing flechettes. When you fire a piercing flechette, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls, and when you fire a finned flechette, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls. Unused flechettes fall apart after 24 hours.



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