Craftsman Masterwork Weapon Properties
Masterwork Weapon Properties
Masterwork properties can be applied to any masterwork weapon or suit of armor, provided you can spare the time and gold cost required to apply it. Each property entry details the property’s level and the type of equipment it can be applied to.
Unless otherwise noted, a piece of gear can’t have the same property more than once; for example, you can’t apply the Heavy property to a greatsword, or the Martial property to a longbow.
Damage Steps
If a masterwork property increases or decreases a weapon’s damage, it is moved up or down one step on the following scale, down to a minimum of 1d4:
1d4 → 1d6 → 1d8 → 1d10 → 1d12 or 2d6
Further increases add a +1 bonus to the weapon’s damage roll.
If the weapon being modified has 2 damage dice (such as a greatsword or a firearm), the scale is instead:
2d4 → 2d4 + 1 → 2d6 → 2d6 + 1 → 2d8 → 2d8 + 1 → 2d10 → 2d10 + 1 → 2d12
Weapon Properties
The following masterwork weapon properties are organized by crafting level. If a masterwork property adds a weapon property which is new to this class, it includes that property in its description.
Generally, Apprentice properties can be used to fashion nearly any type of simple, martial, or exotic weapon, though some weapons might require one Journeyman property as well. Master and Legendary properties, by contrast, are used almost exclusively by master craftsmen on their personal equipment.
Masterwork properties applied to ranged weapons apply their effects to their ammunition, if applicable.
Apprentice Weapon Properties
You can apply any number of Apprentice properties to a masterwork weapon.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork weapon with the Thrown property
This weapon’s normal range increases by 40 feet and its long range increases accordingly (see the “Changing Weapon Ranges” sidebar).
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork ranged weapon with the Reload property
This weapon gains the Automatic property and its damage decreases by one step. The weapon’s normal range decreases by 20 feet and its long range decreases accordingly.
Automatic. When you make an attack with this weapon on your turn, you can choose to make two attacks instead. These attacks are always made with disadvantage, regardless of circumstance. These attacks use twice the normal amount of ammunition.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon with the Heavy property
Small creatures wielding this weapon don’t have disadvantage on attack rolls with it as a result of its Heavy property.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Light property or a masterwork exotic ranged weapon with the Light and Thrown properties
This weapon gains the Elegant property and its damage die increases by one step.
Elegant. This weapon requires exceptional skill to use. You must have a Dexterity score of 16 or higher to wield an elegant weapon.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork martial weapon
This weapon becomes an exotic weapon and its damage die increases by one step.
No class, other than the craftsman, gains proficiency with exotic weapons.
Extended Magazine
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork martial or exotic weapon with the Reload property
The Reload capacity of this weapon is doubled.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork melee weapon that doesn’t have the Two-Handed property or a masterwork ranged weapon that has the Thrown property
This weapon gains the Finesse property.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork ranged weapon with the Loading or Reload property that doesn’t have the Tension property
This weapon becomes a firearm and gains the Firearm property. Its damage die increases by four steps and moves to two damage dice, if possible.
Firearm. You don’t add your ability modifier to this weapon’s damage rolls. Firearm ammunition can’t be recovered once used.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork melee weapon with the Light property
This weapon gains the Fist property.
Fist. Attacks made with this weapon are treated as unarmed strikes.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork ranged weapon with the Ammunition property that doesn’t have the Two-Handed property
This weapon gains the Foregrip property.
Foregrip. This weapon can be used with one or two hands. If used in two hands, its normal range increases by 50 feet and its long range increases accordingly.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork martial or exotic weapon with the Two-Handed property that doesn’t have the Double property
This weapon gains the Heavy property. If it is a melee weapon, its damage die increases by one step.
If it is ranged, its normal range increases by 20 feet and its long range increases accordingly.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork weapon that doesn’t have the Two-Handed or Versatile properties
This weapon gains the Light property, and its damage die decreases by one step.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork ranged weapon with the Ammunition property that doesn’t have the Reload property
This weapon gains the Loading property, and its damage die increases by one step.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork simple weapon
This weapon becomes a martial weapon, and its damage die increases by one step.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Finesse or Light property
This weapon gains the Parrying property and its damage die decreases by one step.
Parrying. While wielding this weapon and not wielding a shield, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC against melee attacks.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork martial or exotic melee weapon with the Finesse or Two-Handed property
This weapon gains the Reach property, and its damage die decreases by one step.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork ranged weapon with the Ammunition property that doesn’t have the Loading property
This weapon gains the Reload (5) property. If you apply the Reload property to a martial or exotic weapon with the Mounted property, you can choose to give it the Reload (1, 2 actions) property, and increase its damage by three steps.
Reload. This weapon can be used to make a number of attacks before it must be reloaded. If you are proficient with the weapon, reloading it takes a bonus action; otherwise, reloading it takes an action. Some weapons require an action or longer to reload, even if you have proficiency, which is specified in the Reload property. If reloading a weapon requires longer than one action, the weapon can’t be used to make attacks until reloading is finished.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork martial or exotic weapon with the Light and Thrown properties
This weapon gains the Returning property.
Returning. After being thrown, this weapon returns to your hand at the end of your turn.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork ranged weapon with the Ammunition and Two-Handed properties that doesn’t have the Sighted property
This weapon gains the Scatter property and its damage die decreases by one step. The weapon’s damage die increases by two steps when an attack with it is made against a target within half of its normal range.
The weapon’s long range becomes three times the weapon’s normal range. The weapon’s normal range decreases by 70 feet and its long range decreases accordingly.
Scatter. If you make an attack against a target that is within half this weapon’s normal range, you deal the damage value listed in parentheses instead of the weapon’s normal damage dice.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork martial or exotic ranged weapon with the Ammunition property that doesn’t have the Scatter property
This weapon gains the Sighted property. Additionally, its normal range increases by 50 feet and its long range increases accordingly.
Sighted. This weapon has disadvantage on attack rolls made against targets within 20 feet of you.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Heavy property
This weapon gains the Superheavy property and its damage die increases by one step.
Superheavy. This weapon is unusually large for its type. You must have a Strength score of 16 or higher to wield a superheavy weapon.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork melee weapon that doesn’t have the Two-Handed property
This weapon gains the Thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork weapon that doesn’t have the Finesse, Foregrip, Light, Thrown, or Versatile properties
This weapon gains the Two-Handed property and its damage die increases by one step. Additionally, if it is a ranged weapon, its normal range increases by 50 feet and its long range increases accordingly.
Apprentice weapon property
Components: Masterwork melee weapon that doesn’t have the Light or Two-Handed properties
This weapon gains the Versatile property. While being wielded in two hands, its damage die increases by one step.
Variant Damage Dice
With the GM’s permission, you can exchange your exotic weapon’s damage dice for an equivalent variant. Sets of dice are equivalent when the sum of the largest numbers of each set of dice are equal. For example, you can replace a weapon that deals 1d8 with 2d4 or a weapon that deals 2d12 with 4d6 or 3d8.
Changing Weapon Ranges
A ranged weapon’s long range is either three times its normal range or four times its normal range, depending on the type of projectile it fires. When a masterwork property changes a weapon’s normal range, change the long range by three or four times the amount, as appropriate to the weapon.
You can’t apply a weapon property if it would reduce a ranged weapon’s normal range to 0 feet, and you can’t remove the Ammunition or Thrown property of a ranged weapon.
Journeyman Weapon Properties
You can apply only one Journeyman property to a weapon at a time. You can’t apply a Journeyman property to a weapon that already has one.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon that doesn’t have the Heavy property
This weapon gains the Double property and its damage die decreases by one step.
Double. This weapon has two damage-dealing ends. When you use the Attack action and make an attack with this weapon, you can use your bonus action to make an additional attack with it; you don’t add your ability modifier to the damage roll of this additional attack.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork martial or exotic ranged weapon
This weapon gains the Explosive property and its damage die decreases by one step. If this weapon dealt bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, its deals fire damage instead.
Explosive. When this weapon’s projectile hits a target, it explodes in a 15-foot diameter sphere. The projectile can target an unoccupied space within its range. Each creature other than the target within the blast radius (for a Medium or smaller target, each creature within 5 feet of it) must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking half the damage rolled on a failed save or no damage on a successful one.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon
This weapon becomes magical and gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. This benefit stacks if you apply the Magical property at different levels.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Superheavy property
This weapon gains the Massive property and its damage die increases by two steps.
Massive. You can only make an attack with this weapon when you take the Attack action, and only as the first attack you make on your turn. Once you make an attack with this weapon, you can’t make any attacks until the start of your next turn. If you would be able to attack more than once when you take the Attack action on your turn, you deal an extra two dice of damage for each attack you forgo when using this weapon.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork martial or exotic ranged weapon with the Heavy property
This weapon gains the Mounted property and its damage die increases by two steps.
Mounted. This weapon is normally used while attached to a tripod, vehicle, or other bracing mount. You can mount or unmount this weapon as an action. While it is mounted, it can’t be moved. It can only be used to make an attack while unmounted if held by a Medium or larger creature with a Strength score of at least 15.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Elegant property
This weapon gains the Precision property.
Precision. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with this weapon if you have advantage on the attack roll.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon
This weapon gains the Rocket property and its damage die decreases by one step.
Rocket. This weapon has a small propulsive engine attached to it or its projectiles. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with this weapon, you can deal an extra 1d4 damage to the target.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic ranged weapon that doesn’t have the Firearm property
This weapon gains the Tension property.
Tension. When making a ranged weapon attack with a tension weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.
Journeyman weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic ranged weapon
This weapon gains the Twinshot property.
Twinshot. Once on each of your turns when you make an attack with this weapon, you can make another attack with it against a different creature that is within 5 feet of the original target and within range of this weapon.
Weapon Exceptions
Some weapons, in the name of verisimilitude, have unusual balancing that makes them slightly stronger or weaker compared to weapons a craftsman might usually craft. If you modify one of these weapons as a craftsman, first remove any of the weapon’s Special properties, then check following rules:
Assault Rifle. Increase the weapon’s damage to 2d6 + 1 and decrease its reload to 10.
Handaxe. Decrease the weapon’s damage to 1d4.
Hunting Rifle. Increase the weapon’s damage to 2d6 + 1.
Bayonet, Whip. Increase the weapon’s damage to 1d6.
Blowgun, Bomb, Net. This weapon can’t be modified by masterwork properties.
Boomerang, Throwing Dagger. Add the Aerodynamic masterwork property.
Catchpole. Increase the weapon’s damage to 1d8.
Gatling Gun. Increase the weapon’s damage to 2d8 + 1, and decrease its reload to 10.
Handgun, Revolver. Decrease the weapon’s range to 50/200 ft.
Javelin. Decrease the weapon’s range to 20/60 ft.
Lance. Add the Two-Handed property and decrease the weapon’s damage to 1d8.
Light Cannon. Increase the weapon’s damage to 2d12 + 1.
Longbow. Decrease the weapon’s range to 100/400 ft.
Musket. Increase the weapon’s damage to 2d8 + 1
Master Weapon Properties
You can apply only one Master property to a weapon at a time.
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Heavy or Versatile property
This weapon’s damage die increases by two steps, and it deals double damage to objects and structures.
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon with the Massive property
This weapon’s damage die increases by two steps. On a hit with this weapon, the target must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the target is knocked prone or pushed 10 feet away from you (your choice).
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon
When you apply this property, choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage. This weapon deals an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen type on a hit.
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Finesse or Versatile property
This weapon scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon
This weapon becomes magical and gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. This benefit stacks if you apply the Magical property at different levels.
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Finesse property
This weapon’s damage die increases by two steps, and its weight is halved.
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon that deals slashing damage
When a creature takes damage from serrated weapons twice or more in a single turn, it takes an extra 1d8 slashing damage.
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon
When you apply this property, choose one creature type other than Humanoids. This weapon deals an extra 1d12 damage to creatures of the chosen type.
Master weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon
This weapon deals an extra 1d8 poison damage on a hit.
Modified Weapons
Once you modify a weapon’s properties, it may no longer resemble its original function or profile. The GM decides if a modified weapon still counts as its base form for characters that have proficiency with it and for features which refer to a specific type of weapon (as opposed to a category of weapons, such as simple or martial weapons).
Legendary Weapon Properties
You can apply only one Legendary property to a weapon at a time.
Legendary weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon that deals bludgeoning damage
When you hit a creature that has natural armor or is wearing armor, the target takes a cumulative −1 penalty to the AC its armor offers. Armor reduced to an AC of 10 in this way is destroyed. A creature can repair its armor or heal the damage dealt to its natural armor over the course of a long rest.
Legendary weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic ranged weapon with the Firearm property
When you make an attack with this weapon as part of an action, you can add your ability modifier to its attack and damage rolls, instead of just to its attack rolls.
Legendary weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon
This weapon becomes magical and gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. This benefit stacks if you apply the Magical property at different levels.
Legendary weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon with the Ammunition or Thrown property that deals piercing damage
This weapon pierces through its targets. When you make a ranged attack with this weapon and do not have disadvantage, you can target all creatures in a straight line within this weapon’s normal range. You don’t make an attack roll for this attack. Instead, each creature in the line must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take damage as if it were hit by the weapon.
Legendary weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic ranged weapon
When you make an attack roll that doesn’t have disadvantage with this weapon and miss, you instead hit the target and deal 5 damage of the weapon’s type. This damage can’t be increased in any way, and no other effects can be applied to the hit.
Legendary weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon
When a creature provokes an opportunity attack from you, you can use this weapon to make an opportunity attack against it without using your reaction.
Legendary weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic weapon that deals slashing damage
When you make an attack against a creature with this weapon and score a critical hit, that target takes an extra 4d8 slashing damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20 on the second roll, you cut off one of the creature’s heads. The creature dies if it can’t survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn’t have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.
Legendary weapon property
Components: Masterwork exotic melee weapon with the Elegant property
When you engage in two-weapon fighting using two weapons with this property, you can make a bonus attack against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a separate attack roll against each target. You can’t move between these bonus attacks.
For the Massive journeyman weapon property, are the extra dice granted for foregoing extra attacks the same as the weapon’s “damage die”? For example, if a Massive weapon has a damage die of 2d8, would foregoing a single extra attack give it an additional 4d8 damage(twice the weapon’s damage die)? Or an additional 2d8 damage(twice the base die of the weapon? Thanks!
The extra damage is twice the base damage die, not the total damage dice; so in this case it would be 2d8 not 4d8.
How long does it take to apply an Apprentice property? When you make a weapon, is it created with any number of Apprentice properties you desire? Or does it take one Long Rest to apply each property?
How dows the Massive property interacts with Great Weapon Master feat, specificalle this part “On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a melee weapon or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.”?
On Massive: “Once you make an attack with this weapon, you can’t make any attacks until the start of your next turn.” This means it doesn’t interact.
Good evening gentlemen, I come again with a question, in the printed version of Valdas can I transform a Shield into a masterwork and use the improvements that are from armor?