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Gunslinger Subclass

With his hat pulled low over his eyes and smoke rising from the cigarette in his mouth, a gunslinger sits calmly in a tavern. A glass of red liquor is held loosely in one hand, a revolver in the other.

Get all 17 subclasses in the Complete Gunslinger!


A well-placed bullet is more powerful than a sword, arrow, or spell. Indeed, you believe that every violent conflict should sound like a single loud crack followed by a long silence. Such shots need to be delivered perfectly, even at range, for when they are done right, they are as deadly for the target as they are stupendous for the audience.

Eagle Eye

Starting when you choose this creed at 3rd level, when you make an attack with a firearm you are holding in two hands, you can use a bonus action to expend a risk die and add it to the attack roll. This attack doesn’t have disadvantage due to being at long range.

Sniper’s Stance

At 3rd level, you don’t have disadvantage on ranged firearm attacks as a result of being prone.
Additionally, when you’re prone, you can stand up by spending 5 feet of movement, rather than half your speed.


By 7th level, you’ve learned to expertly conceal yourself in a sniper’s nest. You can spend 1 minute preparing camouflage for yourself. Until you move, you gain the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks you make to hide
  • Attacks you make while hidden don’t automatically reveal your location
  • Creatures have disadvantage on ability checks they make to discern the origin of your firearm attacks.

Eye For Movement

By 10th level, your vision is keen enough to place invisible targets in your sights. As a bonus action, you can gain darkvision and the effects of the see invisibility spell against targets that are 30 feet or further from you until the end of your next turn. You can use this bonus action only if you haven’t moved during this turn, and after you use the bonus action, your speed is 0 until the end of the current turn.

Focused Shot

Starting at 14th level, when you use your Attack action to make only one ranged attack with a firearm and do not have disadvantage, you can gain advantage on the attack roll and deal damage on a hit as if you scored a critical hit.

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