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School of Broken Spells | 5E 2014

Wizard Subclass

Notes from the Finger: There may be no ‘I’ in team, but there’s five of them in “I don’t care how big the room is, I cast fireball.”

School of Broken Spells

Some spells are just better than others. Why would you ever write unseen servant into your spellbook when you could write shield? Why would you learn tongues when you could learn fireball? To this end, the School of Broken Spells was founded by a pragmatic group of wizards laser-focused on adding only the very best spells to their repertoire, spell school be damned. Every other wizard is doing it wrong.

Broken Spells

1st Level Spells
command hellish rebuke*
entangle* inflict wounds*
find familiar shield
2nd Level Spells
heat metal* silence*
hold person scorching ray
invisibility spike growth*
mirror image suggestion
misty step
3rd Level Spells
animate dead fly
conjure animals* haste
dispel magic hypnotic pattern
fireball slow
4th Level Spells
banishment freedom of movement*
black tentacles greater invisibility
dimension door polymorph
5th Level Spells
animate objects dominate person
cone of cold hold monster
contagion* wall of force

Optimal Spellbook

Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, the gold and time you must spend to copy spells from the Broken Spells table into your spellbook is halved. Spells marked with an asterisk are considered wizard spells for you.

When you reach certain levels in this class, you can add certain spells to your spellbook instantly at no cost. At 5th level, counterspell is added to your spellbook. At 11th level, contingency is added to your spellbook. At 17th level, wish is added to your spellbook.

Overpowered Feature

At 2nd level, you can cast your spells like the best sorcerers out there. When you cast a spell of 1st level or higher that has a casting time of 1 action, you can expend another spell slot of the same level to change the casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.


By 6th level, you always win wizardly duels via counterspell supremacy. Whenever another creature casts a spell to interrupt your spellcasting or end a spell you have cast, you can cast counterspell targeting that creature without using a reaction.

Galaxy Brain

Starting at 10th level, you have achieved an aspect of the wizardly holy grail: double concentration. When you cast a spell that requires concentration while you are already concentrating on a spell, you don’t immediately lose concentration on the original spell. Instead, you maintain concentration on both spells until the start of your next turn, at which time you decide which spell ends and which you maintain concentration upon.

If you take damage while concentrating on two spells or must otherwise make a Constitution saving throw to maintain your concentration, you make only one Constitution saving throw, and lose concentration on both spells if you fail.

You can concentrate on two spells at once for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all rounds of this capability when you finish a long rest.

Contingent Everything

Beginning at 14th level, you can cast the spell contingency without using material components. Additionally, you can have three up to three contingency spells active on you at one time. Each contingent spell must trigger on a different circumstance, and only one spell can trigger per turn.


  • idanbhk says:

    There is exactly one creature in 5e capable of conectrating on 2 spells.

    It’s Niv-Mizzet, the strongest Ravnica parun, a CR 26 dragon. And a turn in which he casts a spell is a turn in which he doesn’t breathe 26d6 fire damage.

    Just being able to add the non-wizard broken spells to the book is very powerful; the other features are some serious icing on very, very tasty cake, and the double concentration is about as broken as you’d expect (although if it had to exist somehow, this is probably the best way to do it).

    All of that being said, it’s a really cool, well designed class!

  • the good pally says:

    Contingent Everything: “Additionally, you can have three up to three contingency spells active”. I assume the ‘three up to three’ part is a typo, otherwise brilliant subclass!

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