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Custom Character Sheets | Alchemist | 5E 2014

A woman with dreadlocks in her red hair and bedecked with vials, plate armor, and glowing green bottles of alchemist's potions, stands with her back to an explosion, her long trench coat swaying with the force of the blast.

Get all 11 subclasses in the Complete Alchemist!

Alchemist accessory

The alchemist base class adds a splash of mad science to fifth edition. Using half-science, half-magic concoctions, alchemists brew up explosives and transmutative potions on the fly. Play an alchemist if you want to experiment with a wide array of scientific discoveries and lethal bombs!

We’ve made it easier than ever to play this new base class with custom character sheets for each alchemist subclass! With subclass features already filled in and places to track your bombs and potion formulae, you can bring an alchemist to your table with confidence.


Many practically minded alchemists assume the role of the apothecary, for adventuring parties always need a healer, and clerics might be in short supply. During their downtime, such alchemists have a marketable skill to depend upon for income and can do an indisputable amount of good with their knowledge. Apothecaries are constantly at work studying potions and herbology, preferring to learn how to mend the body, rather than destroy it.

Mad Bomber

While many “mad bombers” aren’t actually mad, it takes a special kind of crazy to devote one’s life to studying explosives. Most alchemists who specialize in this field are incorrigible pyromaniacs who take great pleasure in burning, blasting, and blowing things up. Mad bombers are always working to improve their bombs’ effectiveness.


The study of alchemy is fundamentally the study of transformation. All alchemists transmute mundane materials into magical substances—potions, elixirs, and bombs—yet some take it one step further. You have discovered the secrets of the mutagen, the keystone of transmutation, which allows you to transform your very body, gaining supernatural strength or speed, sprouting additional limbs or claws, or thickening your skin into a stony aegis.

Alchemist’s Potions

Alchemists are masters of all manner of potions and transmutive concoctions. These potions are like new cantrips for the alchemist and provide a flavorful, fun way of playing fifth edition. Click here for rules on alchemist potions, or here to see the full base class.

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