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Custom Character Sheets | Investigator | 5E 2014

With a book of secret knowledge in one hand, a white-bearded investigator raises a torch against a swarm of many-eyed monstrous creatures. He stalks forward confidently, his trench coat flaring out behind him.

Get all 13 subclasses in the Complete Investigator!

Investigator Accessory

Supernatural researchers and monster hunters, investigators use a few silver-tipped crossbow bolts and a tome brimming with rituals to banish monsters that stalk the night. Play an investigator if you want access to boundless utility options and the ability to go toe-to-toe with a vampire or werewolf.

We’re making it as easy as possible to bring Mage Hand Press base classes to your 5e game. Here are three custom character sheets for Investigator subclasses, the Detective, Exterminator, and Occultist.


Prowling at the edge of darkness, Detectives chase down clues and pull on threads to unravel conspiracies that bring darkness into the world. Sometimes, this requires that you infiltrate a cult’s secret meetings, other times it calls on you to reconstruct a person’s last moments at a murder scene. No matter what the mystery, however, you know that there is always an explanation.


An exterminator suffers no monster to live. Trained in the art of slaying aberrations, fiends, and undead, you stand against evil where others falter, and draw your blade before others recognize a threat. Grand schemes and plots are less important than retribution against those monsters which stalk the night, and your thirst for such retribution is unquenchable. There is always another werewolf to be slain, another vampire to be staked, another demon to be banished; people rarely thank you, but you find satisfaction enough in your work.


Vampires, demons, lycanthropes, and aberrations all have one thing in common: they are all magical threats, best combated through magical means. To meet these foes on a level playing field, occultists indulge in arcana, filling their grimoires with magical secrets and mastering a handful of spells. Occultists are the most likely investigators to cavort with warlocks, borrow tricks from wizards and magicians, and dabble in dark magic to defeat their foes.

Investigator Spells

Investigators gets a suite of new spells to find and eliminate monstrous threats. Click here for the full Investigator spell list and spell descriptions.

The skeletal undead wizard Valda graces the cover of Valda's Spire of Secrets

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