Comments from the Designer: Of course you can play Deckard! Blade Runner is one of those seminal influences that runs through Dark Matter’s veins, and we even have a perfect stand-in for the replicants in the book. Now, however, you get to roleplay your favorite dreams of electric sheep with an investigator!
Blaster in hand and badge in pocket, your job is to hunt down renegade androids—especially the troublesome Version 13 units—that prowl through human megacities wearing perfect human facades. Your best tools are reliable detection, high firepower, and a knack for unpicking mysteries, which has made you a foremost expert in killing constructs of all stripes. Whenever an N-Virus outbreak threatens a world, a few decommissioners are pulled from their gumshoe duties to stem the tide and take down the most lethal units in the wave. And whenever a rogue AI gets its virtual hands on a superweapon, your datapad starts to buzz.
Bonus Proficiencies
Starting when you choose this specialization at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Data and one of the following skills of your choice: Insight, Investigation, or Technology.
By 3rd level, you’ve collected a number of technological trinkets to aid you in the detection and elimination of rogue constructs. You can use the following trinkets:
Biodynamic Quadcorder. As a bonus action, you can direct this device at a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You learn the creature’s type and the damage resistances it possesses, if any.
Electric Sheep Generator. As a bonus action, you can cast the spell technical difficulties once without expending a spell slot or spell components. When you cast the spell using this trinket, you can attempt to target a creature with it. If the creature is a Construct, it must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be stunned until the start of your next turn, even if it would otherwise be immune to being stunned. A creature with a challenge rating greater than your investigator level automatically succeeds on this save.
Interrogation Field. You can cast the spell zone of truth once without expending a spell slot. When you cast the spell using this trinket, each Construct in the area makes its saving throw with disadvantage.
Non-Regulation Blaster
Starting at 6th level, you can spend 10 minutes modifying a blaster with aftermarket components to improve its stopping power. This blaster remains improved until you use this ability to modify a different blaster.
Whenever you roll the highest number possible on one of the blaster’s damage dice, you can roll that die again and add its damage to the total, rolling again if this number is also the highest, and so on. You can roll a total of 6 damage dice for the damage roll, or 12 on a critical hit.
By 10th level, you are an expert in cracking secure systems, ranging from arcane terminals to hard-coded automatons. You can make an Intelligence (Data) check to hack a system as an action rather than over the course of a minute.
Furthermore, you can use your action to hack a Construct within 5 feet of you. The Construct makes a Wisdom check opposed by your Intelligence (Data) check. A Construct with a challenge rating greater than your investigator level automatically succeeds on this save. If it fails, you can perform one of the following operations:
Learn Directives. You learn the explicit instructions given to a simple Construct, such as an automaton, or the surface thoughts of an advanced Construct, such as an artificial intelligence. You also learn if the Construct is infected with the N-Virus or if its programming is otherwise corrupted.
Override Directives. You can modify the explicit instructions given to a simple Construct, such as an automaton, causing it to abandon its current objective, become indifferent to one or more creatures, or to pursue a simple directive of your choosing. The GM decides if a construct is too sophisticated to override or if a directive is too complex for a construct to follow.
Sleep Mode. The Construct drops into a low-power mode and falls unconscious, even if it would otherwise be unable to fall asleep. This effect ends if the Construct takes damage or at the end of its next turn. Once you perform this operation on a Construct, you can’t use it again on that Construct again for 24 hours.
Antimagic Blaster
At 14th level, your modified blasters can rip localized holes in the fabric of magic, disrupting spellcasters and constructs on impact. Whenever you use your Exploit Weakness with your modified blaster and hit a target, you can create a temporary 5-foot diameter sphere of antimagic, centered on the target, as per the spell antimagic field. This field also disrupts magical technology, such as blasters.
When a Construct enters the affected area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be stunned until the start of your next turn, even if it would otherwise be immune to being stunned. The field lasts until the start of your next turn.
Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.