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Character race option

“Gid’down!” I shouted and pulled Mor’rak, the new Skathári hire, behind a concrete barrier, just as a repulsor grenade cracked in a wave of force.

Suddenly, it was all a hail of blaster fire: Coalition troops had finally tracked us, and decided to take us in dead, rather than alive. I retorted with my standard carbine, blasting off a few of them as they peeked from cover.

I drew my repeater and slid it over to Mor’rak. Bolts of white-hot plasma whizzing overhead, he stared blankly at the blaster for a moment, one of his mandibles quivering a bit. I leaned carefully over to Mor’rak, took his hand, opened his palm, and placed the repeater in it. He politely placed the repeater exactly where it had been on the floor.

— Dan Bola, Space Cowboy

While many spacers regard Tier 3 and 4 worlds as hostile, dangerous environments, skathári can think of no better place to call home. Hailing from the distant, mountainous world of Kopriá, whose seasons can last for years and whose volcanoes choke entire regions with sulfur gas, these insectoid creatures are perfectly adapted to life on harsh planets.

Hardy Insectoids

Standing upright between 6 and 7 feet tall, the hulking skathári only vaguely resemble humanoids. They have six limbs—four legs and two arms—each of them thin, lined with spines, and ending in a quartet of small hooked claws, suitable for deterring predators or climbing sheer cliff faces. Their chitinous shells range in color from jet black, to speckled yellow, to a scintillating emerald green. Folded beneath the shells on their backs, they conceal a pair of broad, membranous wings, used to glide short distances. Some skathári have stronger wings that allow them short bursts of flight, but most are too heavy to remain airborne for long. A skathári’s face appears small, framed by its hunched shell. Compound eyes, a mouth lined with mandibles, and a pair of feathery antennae complete their alien appearance.

Because of their hostile homeworld, skathári are well adapted to extremes, bearing scorching heat, deathly cold, and poisonous atmospheres with ease. Moreover, they can rapidly regenerate severed body parts, regrowing entire limbs in the course of a day. These traits have made them well-suited to live on practically any world.

Skathári Customs

A strict set of rules and customs governs skathári society and guide their everyday lives. Though traditions vary, each skathári tribe holds one more or more taboos, that, when broken, are grounds for severe punishment, including exile from the tribe. The Skathári Taboos table below can serve as an inspiration for a particular tribe’s taboo.

Skathári Taboos

d8 Taboos
1 The practice of arcane magic is forbidden.
2 The consumption of a particular food is forbidden.
3 When resting, you must always recite a specific prayer and sleep in a certain orientation.
4 You must use every part of an animal you kill.
5 You must always address those of higher social status by their full names and titles.
6 You cannot own more than you can carry.
7 You cannot bathe, or you can only bathe on certain days.
8 You are honor-bound to accept any challenge to single combat.


Perhaps the only universal taboo held by skathári is a deep and unabiding mistrust of all technology, magical and nonmagical alike. Many skathári warriors would fight unarmed with their claws and mandibles, rather than raise a blaster or laser sword in their defense. Even technology as simple as windmills earns their ire. This taboo stems from a general skepticism of anything too complicated to understand at a glance, and extends to most forms of magic. Skathári especially regard conjuration, illusion, and enchantment magic as they do most technology: with skepticism and occasionally fear.

Since the skathári joined the galactic community, exceptions to this taboo have been made out of necessity: journeys on spacefaring vessels are tolerated, as long as they are no longer than necessary, and some skathári will wield blasters in dire straits. Generally, however, the skathári place their trust in straightforward things, like the strength of their tribes and the heft of their clubs.

Adventuring Skathári

Sometimes, a skathári might abandon their tribe for a life of adventure. In rare cases, this course of action comes from an uncharacteristic case of wanderlust or a longing for excitement. More often than not, however, a skathári takes up adventuring involuntarily, after being exiled or otherwise separated from their tribe.

Skathári Names

A skathári has a single given name, usually passed down from a prominent ancestor. Throughout their lives, skathári also accumulate titles based on their deeds and accomplishments, which they append at the end of their names as honorifics. The oldest and most well-respected skathári typically have gathered a long list which must be recited to greet them with respect.

Skathári Names. Bmarsk, Drikt, Fraxas, Ruzkor, Skrath, Turur, Xast, Xebraks

Skathári Titles. Bearer of Scars, Dragon-Slayer, Far-Glider, Faster than the Rest, Lifter of Boulders, Master of Swords, Rider of Beasts, Spear-Thrower, Wood-Carver

Skathári Traits

Skathári have the following racial traits:

Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score of your choice by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1.

Typical: Strength +2, Constitution +1

Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.

Size. You are Medium.

Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet and you have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Adaptive Metabolism. Your body can quickly adapt to a range of extreme environments. You take no damage from the extreme temperatures of space and other harsh environments (see Appendix E), and you can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes.

Gliding Wings. You have a pair of membranous wings that you can use to glide clumsily through the air. While falling, you can move up to 10 feet horizontally for every 5 feet you fall, up to your movement speed. Additionally, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage taken as a result of falling.

Hooked Claws. Your digits end in short claws that you can use to make unarmed strikes. When you hit with them, the strike deals 1d6 + your Strength modifier slashing damage, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.

Natural Armor. You have an armored carapace. When you aren’t wearing armor, your base AC is 13 + Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.

Regenerative. If any part of your body is amputated, but its amputation doesn’t kill you, that body part fully regrows over the course of 24 hours.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Skathári. Skathári is a choppy, syllabic language that uses many idioms and metaphors. This carries into other languages a skathári might speak; therefore, speaking to a skathári in any language is often a chore if one doesn’t know much about skathári culture.

Changelog from Dark Matter 1.41:

  • Adaptive Metabolism no longer has rules about inhaled poisons
  • Powerful Build cut
  • Hooked Claws now provide a natural weapon, climb speed moved into Speed line
  • Natural Armor added
  • Creature type is now specified in the race description
  • Ability score increases are now “typical,” not mandatory

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