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Carrying his chipped sword over one shoulder, a male warrior with a blond hair and beard strides into the foreground. An eyepatch covers one eye and a green hood covers his head.

Get all 9 Wanderer’s Roads in the Complete Vagabond!

Vagabond subclass

You were once a knight of renown, a blademaster almost without peer. But those days are long gone. You have broken the only vows you have ever sworn, and worse, lived to tell the tale. Disgraced and despised, people know you only as a dangerous swordmaster—someone to be feared.

You may search for a new master, a way to redeem the black mark on your honor, or simply to survive another day in your endless journey. Perhaps your broken vows still guide you, or perhaps you have abandoned all semblance of honor; only your conduct, and your blade, define you.


Starting when you set out on this road at 3rd level, your violent reputation precedes you. Choose the Deception or Intimidation skill. You gain proficiency in the chosen skill. Whenever you make a Charisma check using the chosen skill, you can treat the result as a 10, or your vagabond level plus your Charisma modifier, whichever is higher.

Maneuver: Grudge

Also at 3rd level, you learn the following maneuver:

As a bonus action, you can expend a battle die to mark a creature that has dealt damage to you or a friendly creature with a grudge. This grudge lasts for 1 minute, or until you use this maneuver again.

At the start of each of your turns while the creature is marked, you gain a grudge battle die, which is a d6. You can only have one of these battle dice at a time. You can only use your grudge battle die to either fuel maneuvers or use Battle Edge targeting the marked creature.

Lone Wolf

By 6th level, you’re used to being outnumbered. When you roll initiative and there are more hostile creatures than friendly creatures in the initiative order, you have advantage on the roll.

Additionally, other creatures don’t gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of the Ambusher, Blood Frenzy, Grappler, or Pack Tactics traits, nor do they gain advantage as a result of the Help action. Furthermore, circumstances such as enemies flanking or surrounding you don’t grant other creatures advantage on attack rolls against you.

Killing Stroke

Starting at 10th level, when a creature that you can see makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction to preemptively strike. Make a melee weapon attack against the attacker; your attack precedes the triggering effect. You can draw a melee weapon as a part of this reaction. On a hit, the target takes damage as normal and its attack misses you, regardless of its roll. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.


By 14th level, your skill with a blade has no equal. Once on each of your turns when you make a melee weapon attack and miss, you can repeat that attack against the same target.

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