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Comments from the Writer: We’re letting you mix-and-match blaster parts with this addition to Dark Matter for the upcoming Mega Box. A thermalsight and a silencer is just what the doctor ordered.

Blaster Mods

Wondrous item, varies

A blaster mod is an attachment that improves a blaster’s performance or changes its characteristics. You can use your action to install a blaster mod on a blaster, causing the blaster to become a magic weapon and gain the mod’s benefits, which are listed in the mod’s description. 

Aimbot (Rare). This elaborate mod contains an integrated construct that can adjust your aim on the fly. This module has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 charges daily at dawn. When you make an attack using this blaster, you can expend a charge for the aimbot to attack on your behalf; you forgo rolling the d20 to get an 8 on the die. You can’t use this mod when the attack roll has advantage or disadvantage.

Antimatter Battery (Common). While this battery is installed, this blaster deals necrotic damage instead of its normal damage type. Additionally, when you deal damage to a creature with this weapon, its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The creature dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Enchanted Battery (Uncommon +1, Rare +2, Very Rare +3). This arcane battery surges with magical energy. While it is installed, you have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this blaster, which is a magic weapon. The bonus is determined by the battery’s rarity and doesn’t apply to magic weapons that already have a bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Magnetic Mount (Common). The quantum electromagnet installed on the blaster allows you to use a bonus action to pull the blaster to your open hand if it is within 60 feet of you and isn’t being carried. You can’t be disarmed of the blaster while you are carrying it.

Overcharge Module (Rare). This external arcane battery overloads your blaster with a surge of energy. When you make a weapon attack with this blaster, you can choose to make an overcharged shot. Doing so causes the blaster to deal an extra 6d6 damage to the target on a hit. The blaster then overheats; an overheated blaster can’t be fired again until the end of your next turn. Once you use this mod, you can’t use it again until the next dawn.

Reinforced Frame (Common). This composite alloy chassis reinforces the blaster against impacts and enables it to be used as a blunt implement. You can use the blaster as a melee weapon with the Finesse property that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit, or 1d8 damage if the blaster has the Two-Handed property.

Ricochet Barrel (Uncommon). Your weapon attacks using blasters ignore half and three-quarters cover, if there exists a solid surface off of which to ricochet the shot towards the target. You can target a creature in total cover with a ricocheted blaster attack with disadvantage if you know the target’s location within 5 feet.

Scope (Common). This high-magnification scope doubles the blaster’s normal and long ranges. The blaster also gains the Sighted property, meaning that it has disadvantage on attack rolls made against targets within 20 feet. You can’t install this mod on a blaster with the Scatter property.

Silencer (Common). The hefty suppressor installed on this blaster causes attacks made with it to make only a low pew audible out to 10 feet. The light given off by the blaster is also masked, resulting in a flash at its point of impact, but no visible streak through the air.

Thermal Sights (Common). This non-magnifying scope grants you thermalsight while you are making attacks using this blaster. Your peripheral vision is limited if you use the sights while not attacking; you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks while doing so.

Thermalsight allows you to see living creatures through darkness and heavily obscured conditions, such as fog, out to a range of 30 feet. You can also determine if a creature is living or dead through its body heat. However, you can’t discern color, nor use this sense to see through illusions, invisibility, or magical darkness. This sense is blocked by one-inch of any solid barrier.

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