Whew! I can’t believe we’ve made it this far.
Class Pack 2 includes a subclass for each of the core classes. If you haven’t seen them, check out our first class pack, along with the Lovecraft Update and Magitech Update.
This is our second major supplement for D&D Next, and we’ve loved creating them so far. Following this, we’ll be releasing the Wild West Update, and then bundling Lovecraft, Magitech, and Wild West together to make the Theme Pack, marking the third major supplement! When that’s done, we’ll have evened out the scale and released three subclasses for each base class. Maybe after that the Darkness Update, if we’re feeling generous.
Expect a few different types of content in the coming weeks. We’re going to start releasing races, complete with their subraces, rules agnostic resources like d100 tables, and maybe even some magic items. Also, we’ll be publishing reader-submitted content for the first time on our blog, so stay tuned for that (it’s great work and we’re excited to share it with you.) We’ll still be releasing subclasses, both random 3.5 conversions, original ones, and themed class packs.
One more thing: we want to hear from you. As always, we love your feedback on our classes themselves. There’s a few other ways you can contribute:
- Send a gaming question to middlefingerofvecna@gmail.com. This can be about DMing, playing, the meaning of life, getting a group together, or anything else. We’d love to do more Ask a DM articles, but we can only do that if you ask questions first.
- Send us an email or leave a comment if there are any classes or races you’d like to see us write up here. There’s plenty of stuff we haven’t done yet, but we love a starting place.
- If you want to send in your own content to see it published, you can send in a plaintext version to middlefingerofvecna@gmail.com. After we read it, we will need to edit it with you to a complete state, then we can make you a PDF and publish it under whatever name you like, including a link to a blog or site of your choosing.
The Middle Finger of Vecna is by far the most powerful, for it was the only one extended when Kas the Bloody-Handed maimed our lord, the Lich God.
Changelog: 7/9/15:
Battledancer: No longer gains extra attacks while dervish dancing at 6th level.
War Hulk: No Time to Think: Now gains +1 Strength to a maximum of 24. Rock Throwing reworded, same effect.
Swordsage: No longer has proficiency with martial weapons that have the heavy property.
Spellwarp Sniper: Spellwarp now automatically causes its’ target’s Dex save to fail.
7/10/15: Circle of Concrete: Streettalk: You now gain Thieves Cant.
Solar: Exalted Health now grants resistance, rather than immunity to necrotic damage, and immunity to aging penalties.
Force Missile Mage: Missile Magician now grants a maximum number of spells equal to half your wizard level.
Entropy Domain: Distortion Field reworded.
Force Missile Mage: Overpowering Missile now specifically refers to the spell shield.
Swordsage: Now gains advantage on initiative, rather than a flat +5.
7/13/15: Entropy Domain now gives bonus proficencies at level 1.
Arcane Archer: Able Hunter replaced with Arcane Intuition
‘The Middle Finger of Vecna is by far the most powerful, for it was the only one extended when Kas the Bloody-Handed maimed our lord, the Lich God.’
Heh, nice.