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A tiefling warrior with weapons made of shimmering magenta energy on the cover of this PDF supplement.

Get even more spells in the Complete Warmage!

Warmage subclass

House of Knights

Wield Blades of Fire, Lightning, Frost, and Force

The House of Knights has a long and storied tradition of melding swordplay with the Warmage’s potent spellcasting. Unlike other warriors, however, Knights carry neither swords nor shields into combat, for they can forge both out of magical force at a moment’s notice.

Level 3: Martial Training

You gain proficiency with Martial weapons and training with Medium armor, Heavy armor, and Shields. You can ignore the Strength requirement for wearing Heavy armor and wielding weapons with the Heavy property.

Level 3: Mystical Armament

You learn the Force Buckler and Force Weapon cantrips. Whenever you take the Attack action, make an Opportunity Attack, or cast a spell that calls for an attack with a weapon, you can manifest a weapon made of magical force in your free hand and make the attack with that weapon. This weapon counts as being worth 1 GP for the purposes of Material components. You decide the weapon’s appearance. The weapon vanishes if it leaves your hand. It has the following traits:

Weapon Category: Martial Melee
Damage on a Hit: 1d12 Force plus your Strength modifier
Properties: Heavy, Two-Handed
Mastery: Sap (you can use this property, and it doesn’t count against the number of properties you can use with Weapon Mastery)

Level 7: Fighting Style

You gain a Fighting Style feat of your choice. Whenever you gain a Warmage level, you can replace the feat you chose with a different Fighting Style feat.

Level 10: Knight’s Ward

You can raise a hardened magical barrier between you and your foes. As a Bonus Action, you gain a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to twice your  Warmage level.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.

Level 15: Tactical Maneuver

You can spend up to 30 feet of movement to teleport to an unoccupied space you can see. The destination can be a number of feet away from you equal to half the movement you spend.

Level 18: Field of Blades

You can summon a whirlwind of mystical weapons for a flurry of strikes. As a Magic action, you can make a melee spell attack against up to five creatures you can see within 30 feet of you. Make a separate attack roll for each target. On a hit, a target takes Force damage equal to 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier.

Get even more cantrips in the Complete Warmage

Or check out more innovative base classes in Valda’s Spire of Secrets!


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