Dark Matter Reference Cards


This deck of 85 cleverly-formatted, tarot-sized cards keeps the game’s spells at your fingertips. Plus, the deck contains reference cards for ship combat roles, hazards like extreme gravity, and familiars! You’ll never have to go fishing for rules again (until, of course, you forget what the rules for Exhaustion are—nothing can save you from that).

SKU: 6527980 Categories: ,


You extend your forefinger and thumb, a dangerous gesture mimicking a gun.

The party wizard starts flicking through the Spells chapter of Dark Matter and their eyes light up with evil intent. They pencil “finger guns” into their cantrips and “hardlight gauntlet” in at 3rd level. Not to mention their thwirrel familiar!

This deck of 85 cleverly-formatted, tarot-sized cards keeps the game’s spells at your fingertips. Plus, the deck contains reference cards for ship combat roles, hazards like extreme gravity, and familiars! You’ll never have to go fishing for rules again (until, of course, you forget what the rules for Exhaustion are—nothing can save you from that).