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Circle of Stones

By January 23, 2020September 7th, 2022Druid

Druid Circle
Comments from The Finger: Another one made with our friend, Grand Moff Xela.

Standing stone by old road is the way
To lead you ever deeper into fae
Laystone as you lay in hill or del
Greystone leads to Faeriniel

Circle of Stones


Age-old monuments crafted in forgotten times attest to a simple truth: there is power in stones. Druids who join the ancient Circle of Stones carry on the tradition of raising stone henges in places of great power, where leylines intersect and magic strengthens. Such locations are marked as nexuses of power, where the Old Magic of the Old Gods is still heeded — but such things are known only to a few druids today. All others see the looming stone monuments as enigmatic circles, and a grim reminder of the enormity of time.

Raise Henge
When you select this Circle at 2nd level, you learn to create patterns of stones which strengthen magic. While in a natural environment, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape as an action to create a henge around a point you can see within 60 feet. A henge is a set of six stones, each 5 feet high, 3 feet wide, and 1 foot deep, arranged evenly in a 10-foot radius circle. Such a stone can generally grant three-quarters cover from ranged attacks for a Medium creature.
     While within your henge, you gain temporary hit points equal to your druid level at the beginning of each of your turns. Additionally, you can use a bonus action to grant each willing creature you choose within the henge temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier. A creature loses these temporary hit points if they leave the henge’s area. After 24 hours, your henge loses this property, and can no longer grant temporary hit points.
     As you gain higher levels in this class, you can raise larger henges. At 10th-level, you can raise a 15-foot radius henge consisting of 10 stones, and at 14th-level, you can raise a 20-foot radius henge consisting of 20 stones.

Warding Stones
At 6th level, your henges can hold great threats at bay. While within a henge, you can cast the magic circle spell, centered on the henge, without expending a spell slot or material components. Once you cast this spell, you can’t cast it again in this way until you finish a long rest.

Hengiform Monument
Also at 6th level, you can create a more temporary henge, using any group of alike, free-standing objects you choose. When you do so, these objects rearrange themselves into a circle matching the size of your henge, and gain the properties of a henge.

Ley Passage
By 10th level, you can use your henges to travel through the leylines that connect the world. By spending 1 minute concentrating while within a henge, you can create a magical link between that henge and another henge on the same plane of existence, as per the spell teleportation circle. You must have seen or touched the destination henge at least once before. For the next minute, any creature can use an action to step into the target henge and exit from the destination henge.

Great Henge
At 14th level, while within your henge, you can cast the spell entangle, faerie fire, fog cloud, or spike growth, targeting the entire area of your henge, without using a spell slot or spell components.



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