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House of Pawns | 5E 2014

A tiefling warrior with weapons made of shimmering magenta energy on the cover of this PDF supplement.

Get all 12 subclasses in the Complete Warmage!

Warmage subclass

House of Pawns


By far the most prominent Warmage house is that of the Pawns. Warmages who join the House of Pawns learn to stretch their skill with cantrips to its limits. Pawns can master any cantrip or strategy, for they embody the adaptability to which all Warmages aspire.


When you choose this house at 3rd level, you gain the adaptability of the quintessential warmage. You learn one warmage trick of your choice, which doesn’t count against your number of warmage tricks known. Additionally, whenever you learn a warmage trick, you can choose a trick that has the House of Bishops, House of Kings, House of Knights, or House of Rooks as a prerequisite, as long as you meet all of the trick’s other prerequisites.

Adaptive Arcanist

Also at 3rd level, you learn to emulate the spellcasting prowess of other warmages. When you finish a short or long rest, choose one warmage cantrip. You learn this cantrip, which doesn’t count against the number of warmage cantrips you know, until you choose a different one with this feature.

Pawn Storm

Beginning at 7th level, if you target a creature with a cantrip, that creature can’t make opportunity attacks against you for the rest of the turn, whether you deal damage with the cantrip or not.

Additional Arcane Fighting Style

At 10th level, you can choose a second option from the Arcane Fighting Style class feature.

Opening Move

Starting at 15th level, you can add your Intelligence modifier to your initiative rolls. Additionally, when you roll initiative and you aren’t surprised, you can move up to your speed.

Fundamental Mastery

Starting at 18th level, your magic always finds its way to your foes’ most vulnerable spots. Once per turn when you roll damage for a warmage cantrip, you can choose one damage die and treat it as having rolled its maximum value.

Get all 12 subclasses in the Complete Warmage

Or get more innovative subclasses in Valda’s Spire of Secrets!

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